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Because the 2cm lens has 4 times the area of a 1cm lens.

(area = Pi*r2)

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Q: Why does a lens with with 2 cm diameter have 4 times the light gathering power of a 1 cm lens?
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How do four telescopes of diameter 8m each gather as much light as one of diameter 16m?

the surface area of the 8m (201 m^2) telescope is 1/4 that of the 16m (804 m^2) telescope A=(Pi)r^2

How much more light gathering power would a telescope with a 50 cm objective lens have than a telescope with a 25cm objective lens?

Provided that the parabolic shapes of the surfaces of both reflectors are similarly accurate,the "gains" are proportional to the areas, which also means proportional to the square ofthe diameters.(300m/50m)2 = (6)2 = 36 times moreor the larger reflector has 10log(36) = 15.6 dBmore gain, at any specific wavelength.

How much more light can a telescope with an objective that is 36 inches in diameter gather when compared to a telescope that is 26 inches in diameter?

About 1.92 times as much. (rounded) The so-called "light gathering power" varies in proportion to the area of the objective lens or mirror, which in turn varies as the square of its diameter. (36 inches/26 inches)2 = 1.9172 = about 2.83 dB

If the radius of an objective mirror of a telescope is tripled its light-gathering power is likely to become?

9 times greater.

If the radius of an objective mirror of a telescope is tripled how will its light gathering power be affected?

It will become 9 times as great.

If the diameter of an objective mirror is doubled its light-gathering power becomes?

Just like any antenna used to collect electromagnetic energy at any other frequency, the 'gain' is proportional to the antenna's area. Since the area varies as the square of the collector's diameter, doubling the diameter increases the gain by a factor of 22 = 4. The corresponding increase in gain is 6 dB.

How much larger is the light gathering power of yerks than the spyglass?

-- I don't know anything about your spyglass, but I'm going to assume thatthe diameter of the lens on the front of it is 1 inch.-- The diameter of the objective lens on the front of the main refractor at theYerkes Observatory in Williams Bay WI is 40 inches.-- The so-called 'light-gathering power' of a telescope is proportional to thearea of its objective, which is the same as saying the square of its radius. Sothe ratio of Yerkes' collecting area to that of your spyglass is(40)2 / (1)2 = (40/1)2 = 1,600 times, or 32 dB more.

How much more light gathering power does a 5 meter diameter telescope have as compared to the human eye?

The primary mirrors of each of the two telescopes are 10 meters (33 ft) in diameter. A human eye has a pupil less than 8mm in diameter. The area of a Keck mirror is about 1,6 million times larger than that of the human pupil. (The sensors used are more sensitive too able to detect single photons).

How big is the sun compared to the moon and the earth?

Sun: 109 times the diameter of the Earth.Moon: About 1/4 the diameter of the Earth.Note that the surface is proportional to the second power; and the volume, to the third power of the diameter. For example, the Sun's volume is more than a million times the Earth's volume.You get yet other numbers if you compare masses, instead of diameter or volume.Sun: 109 times the diameter of the Earth.Moon: About 1/4 the diameter of the Earth.Note that the surface is proportional to the second power; and the volume, to the third power of the diameter. For example, the Sun's volume is more than a million times the Earth's volume.You get yet other numbers if you compare masses, instead of diameter or volume.Sun: 109 times the diameter of the Earth.Moon: About 1/4 the diameter of the Earth.Note that the surface is proportional to the second power; and the volume, to the third power of the diameter. For example, the Sun's volume is more than a million times the Earth's volume.You get yet other numbers if you compare masses, instead of diameter or volume.Sun: 109 times the diameter of the Earth.Moon: About 1/4 the diameter of the Earth.Note that the surface is proportional to the second power; and the volume, to the third power of the diameter. For example, the Sun's volume is more than a million times the Earth's volume.You get yet other numbers if you compare masses, instead of diameter or volume.

What is the diameter of Betelgeuse in light years?

Diameters of stars are not usually expressed in light-years. The term "light-year" is used for much larger distances. Its diameter is somewhere around a thousand times the diameter of our Sun, so that would be about 1.4 billion kilometers. Of course, you can convert that to light-years if you like.

How does the diameter and volume of the sun compare to the size and mass of other space object?

For example, the Sun is roughly 109 times the diameter of Earth; and about 10 times the diameter of Jupiter. The volume (for the simplifying assumption of perfect spheres) is proportional to the third power of the diameter.

How does the diameter and volume of the sun compare to the size and mass of other space objects?

For example, the Sun is roughly 109 times the diameter of Earth; and about 10 times the diameter of Jupiter. The volume (for the simplifying assumption of perfect spheres) is proportional to the third power of the diameter.