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Q: Why does power plants is not 100 percent efficient?
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Electric heaters are close to 100% efficient because they convert all the electricity they consume into heat energy. Unlike combustion-based heaters that lose energy through exhaust gases, electric heaters release all the energy as heat directly into the room. This high efficiency makes electric heaters a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option for heating spaces.

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Basically, almost NO physical process is 100% efficient.

Explain why machines are not 100 percent efficient?

because they are not proper

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at 0'kelvin

Why power plant are never 100 percent efficient?

Power plants are not 100% efficient because some energy is lost in the form of heat during the generation and transmission of electricity. This loss occurs due to factors such as friction, resistance in the electrical lines, and limitations in converting heat to electricity. Additionally, no machine or system can operate without any losses due to the laws of thermodynamics.

Is a nuclear generator 100 percent efficient?

No, nuclear generators are not 100 percent efficient. They typically have an efficiency rate of around 30-40%, which means that 30-40% of the energy from the nuclear reactions is converted into electricity, while the rest is lost as heat.

What heat dissipation mechanism is lost when humidity approaches 100 percent?

When humidity approaches 100 percent, evaporative cooling becomes less effective because there is little to no room for water to evaporate into the already saturated air. This can lead to reduced heat dissipation as the normal heat transfer process through evaporation is hindered due to the high humidity levels.

Why are no machines 100 percent efficient?

Some energy is lost to friction.

How efficient are conventional power plants?

Conventional power plants are generally not very efficient, typically converting only about 30-40% of the fuel's energy into electricity. The remaining energy is lost as waste heat during the conversion process. This inefficiency contributes to higher emissions and environmental impacts.

Explain why power plants are never 100 percent efficient?

Power plants are never 100 percent efficient because energy is lost in the form of waste heat during electricity generation. This waste heat is a byproduct of the conversion of fuel to electricity, and it cannot be completely avoided. Additionally, no machine or process can operate without some level of friction or resistance, which also contributes to efficiency losses.

Why aren't machines 100 percent efficient?

becaus ethey have friction