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We do use Roman numerals today. For example, Roman numerals are often found in making outlines; to label book chapters; to label the frontmatter (pages) in books.

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Why do we use roman numerals?

We still use Roman numerals today because they are the numerical aspect of the Latin language which is still used and spoken today.

What places still use roman numerals?

they use roman numerals in films to show you when it was made but i dont know about any countries that use it

What is 3604262 in Roman Numerals?

We still use Roman numbers today. One place where you often see Roman numbers is on a clock face. We generally make use of less of Roman Numerals.3604262 in roman numerals is MMMDCMMMMCCLXII.

Where do you still see roman numerals in use today?

Roman numerals are still in use in the science field as well as to signify the Super Bowl year.

What are the numeral on the face of a clock?

They can be in Roman numerals or in Hindu-Arabic numerals which are the numbers that we use today.

What's the roman numeral w?

W existed in the "medieval roman numerals", they were different from the modern roman numerals we know and use today. W was 800, in modern roman numerals that would be DCCC.

Why are Roman numerals generally not used in mathematics?

Roman Numerals are not used in calculations, because there is no easy way to do them, as there is with the decimal numbers that we use today.

How do you wrote 26 April 2014 in 5 letters without using number in roman?

The word is TODAY. It does not use roman numerals.

When do you use Roman numerals?

I use roman numerals in math

Why do we always use Roman numerals?

We still use the Roman numeral system today because it is the numerical aspect of the Latin language which is still spoken today

Why do you use roman numerals?

We use Roman numerals to represent numbers in a different way than the Arabic numerals (0-9). Roman numerals have been used historically and are still used today in certain contexts, such as numbering pages or chapters in a book or indicating the year in movie titles. While Arabic numerals are more commonly used for everyday calculations, Roman numerals are often used for symbolic or aesthetic purposes.

Why are Roman numerals still in use?

Because Latin was the language of the ancient Romans which is still used today and Roman numerals is the numerical aspect of the Latin language.