

Best Answer

It's an old joke . . . best to laugh - ha ha - and get on with your life.

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Q: Why if your shake it more than twice why are you playing with it?
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What does more than you can shake a stick at mean?

"Shake a stick at" is an idiom meaning "to form a conception of (as by counting or imagining)". So, "more than you can shake a stick at" means "more than you can count/imagine".

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Do German speakers tend to shake hands more than Americans?

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10.Twice of 3 or 3x2= 64 more than 6 or 4+6 = 10

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Five more than twice a number is -13 find the number

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You can die after 24 hours, be careful and try not to be sick more than twice. Hold it in, just please.

Which planet more than dubiles your weight?

Everything on Jupiter weighs more than twice as much as on Earth. This means that Jupiter has a gravitational pull that is more than twice that of the gravitational pull on Earth.

5 more than twice a number?

Let's call "a number" x. Then 5 more than twice x is 5 + 2x.