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it takes earth slightly longer to rotate one full rotation on its axis because it orbits the sun

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Q: Why is Mean Solar Day 24h and 361 degrees but Sidereal Day is 23hr 56 m and 360 degrees?
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Why do we use the mean solar day rather then the sidereal day to measure the time for one earth rotation?

We don't. The sidereal day IS used as the measure of the Earth's rotation. The mean solar day is used to regulate our daily lives because that's the average time for the Sun to complete its apparent daily journey round the sky. The difference is because the solar day takes into account the effect of the Earth's orbital motion which slightly alters the position of the Sun in the sky.

What is the length of a day for all of the planet to planet?

There are two main definitions of "day" for a planet:1) Sidereal day. That's the time taken to rotate once.2) Solar day. That's the time taken for the Sun to complete one apparent journeyaround the sky. Usually it's given as the "mean solar day", which is the average value.The solar day depends on the planet's orbital motion, as well as its rotation.Here are the details, with slight approximations:Mercury : sidereal day, 58.65 Earth dayssolar day, 175.94 Earth daysVenus: sidereal day, 243.02 Earth dayssolar day, 116.75 Earth daysEarth: sidereal day, 23.934 hourssolar day, 24.000 hoursMars: sidereal day, 24.623 hourssolar day, 24.660 hoursFor these planets both days are nearly the same length:Jupiter: 9.92 hoursSaturn: 10.66 hoursUranus: 17.24 hoursNeptune: 16.11 hours

How long are days on earth?

There are different frames of reference: 1 True solar day 2 Mean solar day 3 Stellar (sidereal) day If you calculate 60 seconds times 60 minutes times 24 hours you get 86 400 seconds.

Are there 23hr and 56min in a day?

Most certainly, yes. There are 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds (very nearly) in a SIDEREAL day. The sidereal day is a very important concept, although it is not an easy one to understand initially. The earth rotates exactly 360 degrees, a full rotation, in 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds. One day of Universal time (UTC) is exactly 24 hours in length, during which the earth rotates a little more than 360 degrees. It should be obvious that the beginning of the sidereal day will wander around the standard clock-- all the way round, in fact, during the course of a year. For example, there is a day when "sidereal midnight" will coincide with noontime at Greenwich.

What is the time gap between mean solar day and sidereal day?

The time gap between a mean solar day and a sidereal day is about 4 minutes. This difference is due to the Earth's orbit around the Sun, which causes the Sun to appear to move against the background stars.

What is the difference in mean solar time between 30 degrees N 75 degrees W and 30 degrees N 90 degrees W?

the difference is 1 hour because every 15 degrees is 1 hour

Which planets day is more than half as long as its year?

It's Mercury or Venus depending on whichthe definition of "day "you mean.

Is an earth day a solar or sidereal day?

It depends. Earth has both sidereal and solar days. Earth's sidereal day is about 23 hours and 56 minutes. This is the time it takes Earth to spin on its axis. For the Sun to appear at the same place in the sky (solar day) it takes about four more minutes. So it all depends on what you are asking: the time it takes Earth to spin on its axis or the time it takes the Sun to appear at the same place in the sky (noon to noon). The reason there is a difference is because the Earth is rotating about its axis at the same time it is orbiting the Sun. When it has made a full rotation, it still has to turn further to line up with the Sun which is now slightly east of where it was the day before, as the Earth moves around its orbit, about a degree per day. Actually, there's some natural variation in the length of the solar day. So, for our clocks, we use "mean solar time" which averages out the differences, giving us the solar day of exactly 24 hours. Incidentally, you often see the rotation times and orbit times of other planets given in "Earth days". In this case it's usually the Earth's solar day that's meant, but not always.

In earth hours how long does it take for earth to rotate once?

24 hours for the civil day, the time period that was originally based on the mean solar day. But an absolute rotation (sidereal rotation period) takes 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds roughly.

How is a day determined on earth?

Roughly speaking, a day is one rotation of the Earth. To be precise, one rotation, using the Sun (rather than the general background, like stars, etc.) as a reference point. Astronomers call this the "solar day".This day lengthvaries a little so we use the "mean solar day" of exactly 24 hours. "Mean" is another way of saying "average". (The rotation period is called the "sidereal day".)

What planet in your solar system has the longest day?

Venus, its day is equivalent to 243 Earth Days. That's the rotation period, or "sidereal day". However the "solar day" on Venus is only about 117 Earth days. If you mean the "solar day" then Mercury has the longest day because Mercury has a solar day of about 176 Earth days.

What is the length of venues day?

I think you mean "Venus". That planet rotates in about 243 Earth days. That is one definition of a "day". It is called the "sidereal day". There is another definition called the "solar day", which takes into account the planet's motion around the Sun. For Venus this is about 117 Earth days long.