front end estimation means to use only the whole number part of the decimal. we only use whole numbers to do front end estimation
necessary as part of whole
Architects use fractions every day in their designs. Fractional measurements are a major part of any design or building.
doing cost benefit analysis
Doing cost benefit analysis
front end estimation means to use only the whole number part of the decimal. we only use whole numbers to do front end estimation
I have never done any pattern making but I imagine that the most difficult part of it would be sizing. You would have to take accurate measurements from the body you were creating the garment for, and know how many extra inches to add in various locations for the pattern to work.
Part, estimate, calculate, or judge. Those words mean measurements.
The word estimate can be a noun and a verb. Noun: A rough calculation. Verb: To calculate roughly.
necessary as part of whole
They are part of the Imperial system.
4 sig figs the ending zero is not significant unless it was a measurement and the zero was an estimation that was part of the measurement.
Measure one part, then measure the second part. Add the two measurements together and you have the answer
Scientists continuously make measurements as part of their research and experiments. The timing of measurements depends on the specific research question being addressed and the experimental design. Measurements can be made at various stages of a study to collect data and draw conclusions about the phenomenon being studied.
At the fullest part of the body between the waist and the crotch.
No, it is not necessary. But unless your reset the check engine light you will not know you replaced the defective part.