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Gravity is always pulling objects down so when you climb upward gravity weighs you down, you have to use effort to move yourself in the oposite direction that gravity is pulling you that is why it is harder to climb up a slope. When you climb a gentle slope you still are using energy but it takes longer to reach the same height on a gentle slope versus a verticle slope. On a verticle slope you are climbing higher instead of farther so on each step gravity weighs you down much more than on a gentle slope. When climbing a gentle slope you don't rise as rapidly so gravity doesn't take as much of a toll on you and you have a chamce to recover.

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Q: Why is it difficult to climb a vertical slope than a gentle slope?
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A line with slope of zero is horizontal. A line with no slope is vertical because slope is undefined on a vertical line.

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run as in slope of a line is zero . horizontal lines have no slope and vertical lines have a slope of zero

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To be more steep. We say "a steep slope" meaning the slope rises at a sharp angle, that is difficult to climb. A wall is steep because it goes straight up.

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A vertical line has an undefined slope. For the line to be parallel to a vertical line, the slopes would have to be the same. Therefore, the line parallel to a vertical line also has an undefined slope.

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The slope of a line becomes extremely large in magnitude as the line approaches being vertical;and is undefined or infinite for a truly vertical line.