

Best Answer

It's not possible at all to contain a right or obtuse angle in an equilateral triangle.

Here's the facts:

  • a triangle measures 180 degrees
  • all the sides must add up to 180
  • if it doesn't, you don't have a triangle
  • it is 3 sided
  • an acute angle can be ranging from 1-90 degrees
  • a right angle can only be 90 degrees
  • an obtuse angle has anywhere from 91-179 degrees
  • a straight angle is 180 degrees and is also called a line. Combining those lines forms angles, which forms figures, so you can't get away with that
  1. There's 3 sides to a triangle, right? Yes/No
  2. If there's 3 angles, then there's got to be 3 sides, am I right? Yes/No
  3. And there's 180 degrees in a triangle, correct? Yes/No

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, give yourself a pat on the back. Now think about this one:


The coefficient stands for the number of angles in a triangle (keep in mind that this equation's for equilateral/equiangular triangles only!). Now solve it.



x= 180



x= 60 (acute angle)

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Q: Why is it not possible to draw a right equilateral triangle or an obtuse equilateral triangle?
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Which triangle has no obtuse sides?

A right or equilateral triangle.

Does an obtuse triangle have to be scalene?

No. An obtuse triangle can be isosceles. It just can't be a right or equilateral triangle.

Different kinds of triangle?

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Which of the following triangles are impossible to draw?

a right obtuse triangle, a scalene triangle, and a right equilateral triangle

What is a triangle with an obtuse angle called?

There are five different types of triangles named after their angles. Right triangle, Acute triangle, Isosceles Triangle ,equilateral triangle, and obtuse triangle. The Obtuse Triangle is the triangle with an obtuse angle.

Does every triangle have at least one obtuse angle?

-- No right triangle, acute triangle, or equilateral triangle has an obtuse angle in it. -- If a triangle has an obtuse angle in it, then it's called an obtuse triangle. -- No triangle can have more than one obtuse angle in it .

What are the names of the triangles?

Equilateral Triangle, Isosceles Triangle, Scalene Triangle, Right-angle triangleAcute Triangle Obtuse Triangle Right Triangle

What are the kind of triangle?

There are many different types of triangles. A few are a right triangle, obtuse triangle, equilateral triangle, acute triangle and isosceles triangle.

Are the angles of an equilateral triangle acute obtuse or right?


Is it true an obtuse triangle is never right?

Yes, its not possible to have a "right obtuse triangle"

Is a triangle an equilateral triangle or a obtuse triangle or scalene triangle or a right triangle?

A triangle can be constructed into any of the given formats.

What else can a triangle be called?

Isosceles, equilateral, right angle, obtuse and scalene.