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It can shorten the expression into a number that can more easily be understood by giving an order of magnitude to the number. For example, would you write 0.00000000000000000045 or would you write 4.5 X10-19.

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It makes large number easier to compare and work with.

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Q: Why is it useful to express a number in scientific notation?
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When is scientific notation most useful?

When you have a number with a large amount of digits.

Would measuring stars be useful for scientific notation?

You have it in reverse. Scientific notation is useful for measuring stars.

Why is scientific notation useful in economics?

Scientific notation is useful in economics to compute very large or very small numbers.

How is scientific notation useful in mathematics?

Scientific notation is useful in mathematics because it makes very large or very small numbers easier to compute.

What statement describe why scientific notation useful?

allows large or small number to be written without all the zeros

What is the scientific notation and why is it useful?

You use scientific notation when it comes to "too large" or "too small" numbers. The reasons why using scientific notation is useful are that it saves time to do the computation and also that it makes people's life easier to compute values instead of writing them out completely!

Why do you use scientific notation to write numbers?

Scientific notation is used to express numbers that are very large or very small in a compact and standardized way. It consists of a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10. This notation helps to simplify calculations and make comparisons between numbers easier. It also allows for expressing extremely large or small values without having to write out all the zeros.

What are the uses of scientific notation?

Scientific notation gives a compact notation, which is especially useful for writing down - and doing calculations with - very large, and very small, numbers.

Which types of number does scientific notation best describe?

Scientific notation is most useful when working with numbers which are very small or very large.

Where can you use scientific notation?

Scientific notation tends to be useful any time you have to deal with either very large numbers or very small numbers.

How is scientific notation useful to atsromeners?

1.9 X 1027 kilograms ------------------------ This is the mass of Jupiter. Try writing that out in longhand and you will see why scientific notation is useful to astronomers. Very large numbers in astronomy need a way to write them in a useful and compact form.

Numbers to write in scientific notation?

Scientific notation is a way to express numbers that are either very small or very large. In traditional notation the first kind would have a lot of 0s between the decimal point and the first significant figure whereas the second kind would have a large number of trailing 0s. The need for scientific notation arose from advances in various branches of science: atomic particles in physics or chemistry, astronomical or cosmological distances, size of single cell animals. Nowadays, even non-scientific values such as population, national debts (of some countries) could usefully utilize scientific notation.Scientific notation is a way of representing numbers in the forma*10b where 1 &acirc;&permil;&curren;|a| < 10 is a decimal number and b is an integer (negative or positive).a is called the mantissa and b is called the exponent.The advantages of scientific notation are greater with very large and very small numbers, the notation can be used for any number.