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because the earth takes 365 days to complete 1 revolution, and the .25 day adds up to 1 whole day after 4 years. (leap year)

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Q: Why is one year equal to 365.25 days?
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How many days are in a century?

There are 36525 days in a century. Ignoring Leap Years: the average (mean) length of a year is 365.25 and there are one hundred years in a century.365.25 × 100 = 36525 days

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One year on Mars is equivalent to about 687 Earth days.

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One year on Jupiter is equal to about 4,333 Earth days.

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One year on Earth is equal to approximately 0.24 years on Mercury. This is because Mercury's orbit around the Sun is much shorter, taking about 88 Earth days to complete one orbit.

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How many years have 365 days?

None of them. One year is equal to: 365.25 days.

How many days in mercury equal a year in earth?

One year on Mercury is equal to about 88 Earth days.

About how many years are one million days?

Calculating from a base of 365.25 days a year, 2,737.85 years equal one million days.

How many weeks in 100 years?

There are 52 weeks in one year. 52 x 100 = 5200 --------------------------------------------------------------- There are actually a little bit more than 52 weeks in one year. A non-leap year has 365 days. A period of 100 consecutive years will contain 24 or 25 leap years. So 365 x 100 = 36500 days. Add 24 or 25 leap years and you have 36524 or 36525 days. Divide by 7 and you have 5217 weeks plus 5 or 6 days.