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Why not? It separates hours from minutes. Would you prefer asterisks or what?

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Q: Why is there a colon between the two numbers on a digital clock?
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Related questions

What separates the hours from minutes on a digital clock?

A colon.

What are the two dots on a digital clock face called?

The : symbol is called a colon.

Why is a colon used to separate hours and minutes on a digital clock?

That's the way time is written in some parts of the world.

Ignoring the colon in a digital clock which two times that are palindromes are closest to each other?

9:59 and 10:01 are separated by only 2 minutes.

Why does the colon of an alarm clock flash?

Because digital clocks don't have second hands, the flashing colons imitate it instead. Count how many there are in 1 minute, you should get 60.

What does colon mean in math?

The colon compares two numbers in a ratio

How does one read their own electrical meter?

There are two types of electric watthour meter displays digital and analog The digital is the easy one: it is read as the numbers show in the display from left to right, this type display looks similar to a digital clock (without the semi-colon) The analog type is harder. It has four or five round dials> each dial has numbers from 0 to 9 > each dial has an arrow pointer that rotates from the low numbers to the high numbers > the dials are geared together in a 10 to 1 gear ratio You read this type from left to right > when the arrow is in between two numbers on the dial, you always pick the lower number > when the pointer crosses from "9" to "0" it gets tricky. The only time the reading can be "0" is if the dial to the right has past "0" and is on its way to "1" > otherwise it is a "9"

What is the relationship between peristalsis and colon?

peristalsis moves feces through the colon.

How do you find the ratios between two numbers?

You write the two numbers, with a colon in between, for example: 8 : 6 This can be treated as a fraction; it can also be written as a fraction. Specifically, the ratio can be simplified (or expanded) the same way you simplify a fraction; in this case, you can divide both numbers by 2 to get: 4 : 3

How do you set the clock for a 1995 Pontiac Grand Am?

My 95 truck then you press and hold the hour button. Then when the Colon between the hours and minutes flashes you can press the hour or minutes to add 1 to whichever column

What is between the cecum and the transverse colon?

The ileum

What is an example PHP script that would display a digital clock?

This question is ambiguous to completely answer, because displaying a digital clock has different interpretations. In the following, a digital clock is assumed to be 2 digits for the hours and 2 digits for the minutes with a colon in between, styled at your discretion to look like a digital clock.If you want to display the time statically as of the page loading, grab the current time() and throw it into date($format, $time). The time() function will retrieve the current time in seconds from the Unix Epoch (1/1/1970). The date() function will take this timestamp and format it, according to the format string given. See the related link for complete documentation on possible formats. The following example works fine:$time = time();$format = 'h:i A'; // "h" is the current hour, "i" the current minute, and "a" AM or PM.echo date($format, $time);This will effectively output the time as a digital clock would. You may change the format to alter how the hours and minutes are displayed, and even provide more (or less) information about the current time.If you want to display the time and have it dynamically update to reflect the current time, you will need to use Javascript -- which is out of the scope of this question.