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This is to allow the liquid being heated room to expand as it turns to a vapour. It also prevents any of the liquid boiling over into the condenser thus preventing the purified liquid being contaiminated.

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Q: Why should a distillation flask only be filled one thirds to two thirds full?
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Why should the distilling flask be filled to no less than one thirds of its capacity?

If the neck of your flask is short, you don't want to fill the flask too high (more than about 1/2), or else liquid from the flask will enter your distilling tube and get distilled out when you heat it.  Remember the idea of a distillation is to heat up your substance to the vapor phase and let the vapor diffuse toward the distillation tube so that only purified product drips into the collecting flask.

Why should a distilling flask be filled to not more than two-thirds of its capacity at the beginning of a distillation procedure?

If the flask is more than half full it is possible if it starts to boil and bump that some of the mixture could contaminate your distilled/re-condensed liquid by it bumping into the liquid that has been seperated.

What happens if the distillation flask is not securely attached to the distillation head?

If a flask is not well secured to the head, all the gas will run out of the distiller.

What is the round bottom flask use for in chemistry?

The round bottom flask is used frequently for distillation.

Why should a receiver flask in a distillation be in an ice water bath?

The ice water bath is an option designed to cool the distillate to speed and improve condensation, which happens in the receiver flask.

What is distillation flask?

distillation flask is often round bottomed flask with with few cylindrical openings such as cylindrical neck and side ones, the neck host a thermometre and the sideo one connected to a condenser to cool the vapors back to liquid state,

Distillation set up?

A distillation set up involves a boiling flask over a Bunson burner. This is connected to a distillation tube the flows into a beaker.

What is an pear-shaped flask and how is it used?

It is used in setup with filtration and distillation happening at the same time. Anti bumping granules and the solution are place in it to avoid solution being "bumped out" of the flask during the filtration and distillation process

Why is it preferable to add boiling stones into the mixture in the distillation flask during distillation?

The reasons are:- to avoid splashing due to overheating- to calm the boiling

What is the disadvantage of using a distilling flask whose volume is much greater than that of the liquid being distilled?

A distillation flask is a piece of laboratory equipment that holds a substance to be distilled. The advantage of using a distillation flask whose capacity is greater than volume of liquid is the loss of heat.

What are the Sources of error in distillation?

boiling chips are not added to the distillation flask. the thermometer bulb is placed in the boiling liquid. the water to the water-jacketed condenser is not turned on.

What effect does the condensation have on distillation when liquid is runnung from the bottom of the distillation column back into the distillation flask?

returning condensate is rich in high boiling point allowing lower boiling point substance to distill over.