

Best Answer

A rational number is one that can be expressed as a/b

The sum of two rational numbers is:

a/b + c/d

=ad/bd + bc/bd



which is rational

The difference of two rational numbers is:

a/b - c/d

=ab/bd - bc/bd



which is rational

The product of two rational numbers is:




which is rational

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Q: Why the sum difference and product of 2 rational numbers rational?
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Is the sum or product of two rational numbers is rational?

Yes, it is.

Is the difference of two rational numbers always rational?

Yes. This is the same as asking for one rational number to be subtracted from another; to do this each rational number is made into an equivalent rational number so that the two rational numbers have the same denominator, and then the numerators are subtracted which gives a rational number which may possibly be simplified.

Is the sum of two or more rational numbers is it rational or irrational?

The sum of two rational numbers is rational.From there, it follows that the sum of a finite set of rational numbers is also rational.

What is the sum of the rational numbers?

The sum of any finite set of rational numbers is a rational number.

What is the sum or difference of the any two irrational numbers?

The sum or the difference between two irrational numbers could either be rational or irrational, however, it should be a real number.

Is the sum of two rational numbers is it rational or irrational?

Such a sum is always rational.

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When dealing with numbers greater than one, the sum will never be greater than the product. This question has no rational answer.

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