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Because its you cant win ALL the time. What matters isnt winning, its that you tried your best and gave all your effort. Even though you dont win all the time doesnt mean you can perform bad. If you want to get better then theres a famous saying: " Practice makes better"

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Q: Why trying ones best is more important than winning?
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Acheiving and winning are actually similar and acheiving something is when you meet an expectation, or reach a goal. In my oppinion, the difference of winning and acheiving is in order to acheive something you must work for it and then reach your set goal or expectation that someone has for you or that you have for yourself, but winning only means to beat someone else. Winning involved competition between you and other people. You should only try to get better yourself instead of focusing on what other people are doing and trying to beat them. Instead, beat yourself.

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One can try winning the lottery or trying to win contests such as writing contests, photo contests, and many more.

What is lotteries?

A lottery system is a method used to increase the player's chances of winning. A lottery system is a must if you are trying to win the lottery. To know more you may visit lottoalert (dot) me and see how you can increase your odds of winning the lotto.

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Why sport are too competitive?

because as people think winning is more important now because you can win trophies and money and things.