why would you use a semi-logarithmic graph instead of a linear one?
what would the curve of the graph actually show?
b/c of big values which are in the form of exponents and powers,we use semilog graph.....
Line chart
You can use a table or a graph to organize you findings.
you would use a line graph
picture graph
b/c of big values which are in the form of exponents and powers,we use semilog graph.....
To graph points, use rise over run and go up and over on the graph
When putting the scores in, you use the normal distribution graph, which is the best start.
a line graph is tracking something over time.
You do not use a line graph if the data is not over time. If it just shows an amount or percentage, you would use it.
a line graph
The use of a line graph is to show changes over time [months,weeks,years,days,ect;]
you use a broken line graph usually for showing continuous data (data with growth over time)
line graphThe most preferred type of graph to use for change over time is the line graph.
Line chart
You use a line graph when you need to measure a certain amount of something over a period of time. PS: hope i have helped you:p
A line graph uses data over a certain time frame. They are commonly used for profits and stocks.