A cookie would typically be weighed in ounces rather than in pounds due to its small size and weight. Ounces are a more appropriate unit of measurement for small, lightweight items like cookies. Converting the weight of a cookie to pounds would result in a very small decimal value, making it more practical to use ounces for precision.
lbs AKA pounds
Undoubtedly a truck scale.
A stove would typically be weighed in pounds, as it is a larger and heavier item. Ounces are typically used for smaller, lightweight items.
A cookie would typically be weighed in ounces rather than in pounds due to its small size and weight. Ounces are a more appropriate unit of measurement for small, lightweight items like cookies. Converting the weight of a cookie to pounds would result in a very small decimal value, making it more practical to use ounces for precision.
An air conditioner would typically be weighed in pounds due to its larger size and weight. Ounces are a smaller unit of measurement more commonly used for lighter objects.
Modern telephones do not weigh very much, so ounces would be more appropriate.
lbs AKA pounds
Isn't this a little bit like "Who's buried in Grant's tomb"? My best guess would be the same number of ounces that are in any pound -- 16.
Well that would depend on the physical size of the dictionary I have an edition that probably weighs 5 pounds and another one printed which is just the size of pack of playing cards is weighs about 5 ounces.
Use a unit multiplyer. See how many ounces are in 1 pound then put 3 pounds and the number ounces in 1 pound over 1 in fraction form then multiply it. I know it's difficult to understand by computer so I tried my best to answer it.
A single pound is 16-ounces, and a single golf-ball is... roughly (as I am not a frequent golfer) around 3-ounces (and I'm positive that they can vary, depending.)A 3-ounce golf ball can fit into a pound 5 times. A 2-ounce golf ball can fit into a pound 8 times.Does it specify the balls' size?Either way... you truly should be doing this on your own, for your best interests.Good luck.