The measure of the width of your classroom refers to the distance between the two parallel walls of the room. To determine this measurement accurately, you would need a tape measure or ruler. Simply place the measuring tool at one wall and extend it across to the opposite wall to get the width of the room.
If you're trying to find the total area of 4 walls:(Length of wall 1 x width of wall 1) + (Length of wall 2 x width of wall 2) + (Length of wall 3 x width of wall 3) + (Length of wall 4 x width of wall 4) = total areaThe area enclosed by four walls if they form a rectangle or square is length x width.The area of a rectangular wall is hw where h is the height and w is the width. In an ordinary rectangular room, there are 4 walls and opposite walls are equal, and the heights are all equal, formula is A = hw1 + hw2 + hw1 + hw2 = 2hw1 + 2hw2 = 2h ( w1 + w2) , where the floor is w1 by w2.If the floor is square, w1 = w2 and the formula simplifies to A = 4hw1.
Meters, centimeters can be count as once.
Not if the wall is longer than the maximum dimension of the roomNot if the wall is longer than the maximum dimension of the roomNot if the wall is longer than the maximum dimension of the roomNot if the wall is longer than the maximum dimension of the room
A carpet that is 5 meters x 5 meters = 25 square meters. If a living room is 30 square meters, the carpet will fit in the living room, but it will not fit it exactly (wall to wall). It will be a bit small.
you would measure a wall in meters
Multiply the height by the width Area = length x width or (height x width in this case)
The great wall of china is 4,6 to 9,1 meters wide at the base, and at the base it is 2,7 to 3,7 meters. See the related link.
If it's rectangular - which is usually the case for a wall - you simply multiply length x width.
The width of the Great Wall is 5 to 10 meters (16 to 32 ft) at its base and generally 5 meters (16 ft) at the top. Various guard towers and gates form wider sections. The wall was from 6 to 9 meters (20 to 30 ft) tall and most estimates place its total length at more than 6400 kilometers (4000 miles).
There were three curtains in the Tabernacle, and a larger number in the Temple. I'll assume that you're asking about the curtain that was in front of the Holy of Holies.In the Tabernacle, its width was ten amot (about five meters).In the First Temple, its width was that of an ordinary door, since there was a wall with a curtain where a door would have been.In the Second Temple, its width was twenty amot (about ten meters).
Hadrian's Wall stretched 80 Roman miles, or 120 kilometers. The width and height varied depending on materials. At some points, the wall was 3 meters wide and 5-6 meters high - at others, 6 meters wide and 3.5 meters high. Another section was eight Roman feet high (2.4 meters) and 10 feet at the base.
Great Wall of China
Although the extent of the Great Wall is some 6400 kilometers (4000 miles), it is only a maximum of 30 meters (95 feet) in width at its gates, and the material of the wall is similar to the surrounding land. So it would be far too narrow to observe from the Moon. (Even from low Earth orbit, astronauts need binoculars to make it out.)
The width would be the height.
It depends on the width of the wall paper rolls.
meters or yards