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Yes, you MUST.

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Q: Would you include zero in finding the mean of a number?
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What do you do when finding the mean and the number has a remainder?

You incorporate the fractional remainder into the mean. The mean does not have to be a whole number.

What does it mean to find a root of a number?

It means you are finding what number multiplied by itself will give you the number you are finding the square root of.

What does it mean to find the square root of a number?

It means you are finding what number multiplied by itself will give you the number you are finding the square root of.

Show example how you find the mean of a number?

The mean of a number is the number itself. Finding the mean of one number serves no purpose whatsoever. So, for example, the mean of 5 is 5.

When completeing the equivalent fraction dose that mean finding a number goes into all the numbers evenly?

No, it does not. It is finding a number that they all go into evenly.

Does range mean median mean or mode?

Range is finding the difference in the highest number and the lowest number in a set of numbers

When you find the mean of a number and you have two numbers remain-ding what do you do?

You will need to explain the question in more detail. What do you mean by finding the mean of a number? The mean of a number is just that number. Did you intend the mean of a set of numbers? And if so, how many?

What is the purpose of finding the mean?

Mean, in simple terms, is average that we learn before things like median and mode come about. Mean is just to find the number which can be used to substitute all the numbers into that one number for the same sum. For example, the mean of 0,0,3 is 1 (0+0+3=1+1+1). Rather than listening to a whole list of data, giving single numbers would save more time. After all, with the mean, you would be able to estimate the numbers. However, there is also standard deviation (for finding spread of numbers) that would be essential for the results.

Why are mean median and mode called the measures of center?

Median is finding the middle number among a series. Whilst Mode is finding the middle among a catagorised series.

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Find the mean of a number?

Finding the mean (average) of a single number is pointless. It will always be the number. To find the mean of a set of numbers, total the numbers in the set and divide that total by the number of members of the set.