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This is simple algebra. You should know that parallel lines have the same slope. So you would take the slope of the line that is given to you and set it up in the equation y= mx + b. m stand for your slope and you would take the point that it gives you (3, -1) and plug it into y = mx + b (along with your slope) and solve for b..once you've solved for b, you can set up your equation because you know your slope (m) and y-intercept (b). If you are having trouble finding the slope, just solve the equation for y. Get y on one side of the equation. The number that is with x will be your slope. Good luck!

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Q: Write an equation of the line containing the given point and parallel to the given line. 3 -1 in parenthess 9x -7y 4 Simplify type in the from of ymx b. Thank?
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