That is a total of six offspring in the family, yourself and five siblings.
One sister, two brothers
This is a logic puzzle. YOU are part of the puzzle, so you have equal brothers and sisters. Your brothers have twice as many sisters (meaning you) as they have brothers. So if you have one brother and one sister, they are equal. But if your brother has two sisters, he has twice as many sisters as brothers, right? It doesn't say that he HAS brothers, just that he has twice as many sisters as brothers. So you have a brother and a sister, but your brother has two sisters. Three kids, two girls and one boy.
he had two brothers and 1 sister.................................hopedis helps ............-------priya
She has one sister (Victoria)
There are 4 brothers and 3 sister's all up. Assume your one of the brothers - hence you have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. However any one of your sisters, would have 4 brothers and 2 sisters.
Nicki Minaj has two brothers and one sister.
He had two half-brothers, two brothers, and one sister.
Caravaggio, the Italian Baroque painter, had two brothers, Giovanni Battista and Bernadino. There is also evidence to suggest that he may have had two sisters, but their names and details are not as well-documented as his brothers. Caravaggio's family background and relationships have been the subject of ongoing research and debate among art historians.
Two brothers one sister
yes he did he had a two brothers and one sister
two brothers and one sister - I know one of his brothers is younger but I don't know about the other. His sister is younger too
2 sisters but i do not know how many brothers Louis Armstrong has.
his two brothers and one sister.
Jeff Kinney has one sister and two brothers.
He has two brothers Randy and Scott and one sister Shari
Mike Fisher has two brothers and one sister.
she had one elder sister and two brothers and a younger sister