It depends on the size of the tub.
stand up for them
Alright, listen up, honey. In order of size from smallest to largest, it goes cup, pail, kettle, teapot, tub. So, if you're looking to measure out some sassiness, start with a cup and work your way up to a tub full of it.
In some things like math and arguements, you can prove it by backing it up or checking it. In other things, look up information.
Let x be the volume of the tub. x/10 is the volume depleted per minute. Also x/8 is the volume replenished per minute. So net filling rate is x/8 - x/10 = 2x/80 per minute. The fill volume required is x. Hence time required in minutes is x/(2x/80) which is 80x/2x = 40 minutes
You can access the tub drain by cutting through the ceiling below, or cutting through the side wall backing up to the tub.
maybe bcuz to save water..
It means to run water and fill up the tub for someone to take a bath.
You fill the tub. Then you get in the water and soap up. Immediately rinse it off and get out of the tub. Then you dry yourself after coming out and then you're done. It helps me if I stand when I do it but what ever works. :)
To run a hot bath, start by filling the tub with water at your desired temperature. Make sure the water is safe and comfortable for you. You can adjust the temperature by adding hot or cold water as needed. Lastly, wait for the tub to fill up and then enjoy your hot bath.
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Your bath faucet has become clogged up and should be cleaned if possible,or replaced.
Well this is the difference. A bath is in a bath tub and you sit and clean yourself. A shower is standing up in a tub or shower and you clean yourself.
major back up in the lower end of the house (meaning that the kitchen sink sits higher than the bath tub that was getting the overflow) meant that everything that was washed down the sink would come up through the bath tub drain in about 30 secs of having kitchen sink water running. bought some industrial strength crystals for drainage blocks and poured it in both drains. let the sink run with hot water and watching about 1/4 of the tub fill up with years of gunk! after we stopped the water the bath tub emptied and we haven't had a problem since!
Yeah. In Their Humps. So They Don't Die Of Dehydration. They Travel And Look For Water, And When They Do They Can Drink Up To A Whole Bath Tub Full Of Water.! You Go Camels.!!(:
Because the two pipes are connected, and the shower is farther down the line than the toilet. So when you flush, you are hearing the water from the toilet pass by your tub. This is also why you will have sewage in your tub if your waste water line is extremely backed up.
A premier bath contains a surround that can be put into your existing bathroom. It will slip over your bath tub and you will end up with a new shower and bathroom.