100 meters/15.2 seconds 100 meters = 0.0621371192 miles 15.2 seconds = 0.00422222222 hours 100 m/15.2s = 14.7166861 mph average
1 Year = 31556952 Seconds 31556952*100=3155695200 There are 3155695200 seconds in 100 years.
Its speed is exactly 100 meters per 120 seconds. That speed can also be expressed as . . . -- 5/6 meter per second -- 50 meters per minute -- 72 km per day -- 30 km per hour -- 504 km per week . . etc.
There are roughly 31,557,600 seconds in a year. 100 years is 3,155,760,000
Yes 100% correct
If an object is travelling 100 meters in 1400 seconds, then it is travelling (100 / 1400) or about 0.0714 meters per second.
it can go 100 milesin about 3 seconds It can go 100 miles in about 3 seconds.
4.6 seconds
Approximately 8 seconds
2.5 seconds
12.6 seconds, walcott runs in 10.3 seconds
4.6 seconds in 100 m
1.1 km or 1100 meters
5.3 seconds for 100 yards.
11.8 seconds
Eleven seconds