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The question doesn't just ask for the order, but how to find the order. Here is how:

Step1. Find the least common denominator (actually, any common denominator will do, but we like to do the math with as small numbers as possible). That would be 30.

Step 2. Convert the 3 fractions to use the common denominator. 2/3 equals 10/30; 1/5 equals 6/30; and 5/6 equals 25/30.

Step 3. By comparing the numerators, we see that 6 is the smallest and 25 the largest numerator; so, 6/30 is the smallest of the fractions, and 25/30 is the largest. Therefore, 1/5 is the smallest of the fractions as given, and 5/6 is the largest.

Step 4. We can now write the fractions given in order from least to largest: 1/5, 2/3, 5/6.

Answer 1

1/5, 2/3, 5/6

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