It is 6000 square feet.
It has a radius of 43.7 feet.
Cubic square feet is not a valid unit of measure. Feet is a measure of length.
80,000 square feet
If you are talking about the size of a house, that is about 2-4 times the size of a typical home.
West Virginia's total land area is approximately 24,230 square miles, which is equivalent to around 15,523,200,000 square feet.
The answer is 6000 cubic feet.
77.5 ft by 77.5 ft, about a fifth of a foot ball field (but that would be ~150 feet by 40 feet)
6000 square meters is a measurement of area, not length or volume. To put it into perspective, it is equal to 64,583.33 square feet or approximately 0.59 acres. It is important to note that square meters measure the two-dimensional space of an area, so the actual shape of the 6000 square meters will determine its dimensions.
About 808.33 feet per side for a square-shaped lot.
1.32 acres is an area of land equal to 57,499 square feet.