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Q: How many acres of Alaska has burned so far this year?
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How many acres are burned each year due to man made fires?

Approximately 12.5

How many acres have been burned in the US from fires this year?

As of 7:00 AM June 30, 2008, there are nearly 1400 fires in CA, which account to nearly 411,520 acres lost so far. Considering that most of these fires are less then 50% contained (most are less then 10%) you can expect this number to climb.

How many wildfires were there in the US last year?

There were over 58,000 wildfires in the US in 2020. These wildfires burned over 10.1 million acres of land.

What is the largest wildfire in california history?

The worst fire season in California was in 1924 after a two year drought - over 1 million acres burned. The largest single fire was the Cedar Fire 280,278 acres burned in 2003. Before that was the Laguna Fire, 1970, 175,425 acres.

What is the largest recorded wildfire in California history?

The worst fire season in California was in 1924 after a two year drought - over 1 million acres burned. The largest single fire was the Cedar Fire 280,278 acres burned in 2003. Before that was the Laguna Fire, 1970, 175,425 acres.

How many acres of rain forest are destroyed every day in Brazil and why?

Unbelievably, over 200,000 acres of rainforest are burned every day. That is over 150 acres lost every minute of every day, and 78 million acres are lost every year! The latest statistics in the Brazilian Amazon show a 34 percent increase in deforestation since 1992.

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How many hurricanes in Alaska are there per year?


What year was the biggest forest fire?

(in the US) The largest forest fire on record was in August of 1910. It burned across 3 million acres of northern Idaho and western Montana.

How much do surgeons earn in Alaska?

A surgeon in Alaska would earn well over $100,000 a year depending on how many surgeries he performs in a year.

How many inches closer does Hawaii move closer to Alaska each year?

Hawaii moves about 3 inches closer to Alaska each year

How many people die in the Alaska wilderness each year?

Roughly 20 people die every year in Alaska widerness