The area of Mendocino County, CA is 2,481,900 acres.
Mendocino County was created in 1850.
Mendocino County Line was created on 2002-01-21.
The phone number of the Mendocino County Bookmobile is: 707-463-4694.
The phone number of the Mendocino County Museum is: 707-459-2736.
The web address of the Mendocino County Museum is:
As of 2020, the population of Mendocino County in California was estimated to be around 87,192. This figure may have changed slightly since then due to natural population growth, migration, and other factors.
The address of the Mendocino County Bookmobile is: 105 N. Main St., Ukiah, 95482 4482
The address of the Mendocino County Museum is: Po Box 1540, Willits, CA 95490-1540
Technically they did. They lived in Round Valley which is now part of Mendocino County. ;)
Mendocino County, Humboldt County, and Trinity County
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