I heard that we mow an area equal to Alabama per week in the US. Has anyone else heard this? It's part of America's obsession with a lawn.
John Deer.
Tractor 1 mows 25/4 acres per hour, tractor 2 mows 25/5 acres per hour, ie between them they can mow 6¼ + 5, 11¼ acres per hour so 25 acres will take 25/11¼ ie 2 and 7/9 hours.
no mowing is for farmers land
pull the cord. lay in front of iht. &* then have someone mow over you..The way I mow is to mow around the perimeter a couple times to give some turn around room. Then one time I mow in long rows east to west. Then the next time I mow in long rows north to south. This makes for a more even looking lawn. I use a rider mower to mow about 1.5 acres. You can adjust the methods for your size lot.
Since it is not June now, he can mow lawns every day of the week. That means he mows 3 lawns each day.
which ever is most convinient
you can petsit, wash cars, dog walk, mow lawns and do lemonade stands.
That depends on the quality of mower that you purchase. Other factors are: Maintenence of the mower. Keeping the mower garaged. Severity of use. (Is your yard very hilly or do you have to mow 5 acres every week.) It is not uncommon for a riding mower to last 20 if it is cared for and well maintained.
Not enough information to answer. This depends on many variables i.e. type and size of machine, length of grass fitness off operator.
AnswerThe Kubota ZG20 is amasingI would recommend the Craftsman Professional PZT 9000