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In technical terms, defined as "stance". When assuming the stance, (right-handed) archers will have their left shoulder facing their target with the feet to the side, forming an imaginary right triangle from the high and low points of the body to the target (left-handed archers do the same, but with their right shoulder facing the target).

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Q: What is standing at right angles to the target in archery?
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What is the best stance for shooting a bow?

It depends on the skill of the individual archer, as well as the style of archery being used. Target archers, for example often choose to use an open stance, while bowhunters are often forced to use whatever stance happens to be best suited to their circumstances. In Target Archery, the archer begins by standing so she/he faces 90 degrees to the side of the target (with one side of their body facing the target). The difference between an open stance and a closed stance, is that in an open stance the leading foot (left foot when shooting right-handed, right foot when shooting left-handed; it is "leading" because it closest to the target) is pointed towards the target. In a closed stance, the leading foot points the same direction as the other foot. An open stance is used by most target archers, because it is seen as more stable and gives more string clearance. Some of the best target archers in the world shoot with very open stances, but just slightly open is can be good enough.

What does perpendcular mean?

Vertical; straight up and down; upright Meeting a given line or surface at right angles. Maintaining a standing or upright position; standing up. Having a sharp pitch or slope; steep.

Does a kite always have 4 right angles?

No, the angles aren't right angles.

Does quadrilateral have to have right angles?

No, if it has right angles it is a special case, such as rectangle, but in general it does not have to have any right angles