

What is the largest star fish?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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13y ago

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sunflower star

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Q: What is the largest star fish?
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What are facts about star fish?

per body weight, they have the animal kingdom's largest penis

What is the Difference between starfish and fish?

the differences is that a fish has

World largest fish?

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Are whales the largest fish?

No. Whales are not fish, they are mammals. The largest fish is the Whale Shark.

Can a star fish be killed in water?

Yes, If another fish was to eat the star fish whilst underwater then the star fish would die.

Food or prey of star fish?

star fish are food

What is the name of the top of a star fish?

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Is a star fish a fresh water fish?

I only know of Marine Star fish.

Which is largest sea fish?

The largest fish in the sea is the whale shark.

Which largest fish in the world?

The largest fish in the world is the Whale shark

How do star fish feel?

star fish feel with there tube feet.

Write differences between fish and star fish?

one of them is a star