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Q: What percentage of people in the UK have a disability?
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What percentage is for NYS disability of paycheck?

you have to divide your Total Earnings by what they charged you for Disability, and that will give you the percentage.

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Is depression a disability in UK?

It is sometimes seen as a disability in work places and other places and it also limits you to the amount that you can cope and how you live your life. It's not a physical disability but it is a mental disability which people can get help for and overcome it.

What percentage of the UK ride motorcycles?

About 1 million people in the UK drive motorcycles. This is a long of people.

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What percentage of VA Disability is Garnishable

Do UK companies have to employ a percentage of black and disabled people?

They don't have to employ a certain number of people from ethnic or disabled backgrounds. However - Under UK employment laws they are forbidden to discriminate on the grounds of race, creed, colour or disability. If a prospective candidate is qualified to do the job they're applying for - they must be considered for the post regardless.

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What percentage of British are blind?

1 in 10000 people are blind in the uk.

What percentage of people work in the secondary in Britain?

37% of people in the UK work in the Secondary Sector.