E N T The list represents the first letter of the name of a numerical increment. (O)ne, (T)wo, (T)hree etc. etc... The last three follow, giving us (E)ight, (N)ine and (T)en.
there are fifteen letters here...
Arrow, No, Go, and you are four!
The letter N. It represents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8....9.
these letters stand for the months of the year january february march ... the next letters would be s o n d Hope i helped you lol xx:)
There are no 13 letters in the Question, hence no correct answer
s o.
s, the sequence is one two three four five six, so the next number is seven, so the answer is s
The answer is this: One Two Three Four Five...see the capitol letters...get the pattern? "O" - One "T"-Two "T"-Three "F"-Four "F"-Five Have fun!
A is five letters before F Z is five letters after U G is five letters before L T is five letters after _ Answers is the letter O
I would finish it with the letter 't'.
This is somewhat of a trick question. You have to think of a common sequence of words starting with those letters. Hint: make everything "count"!
S, O, and N. They are the first letters of the months of the year.
The next letter in the sequence is M. The sequence follows the alphabetical order with a pattern of skipping letters.
tricky 1?? Not so tricky, they are the first letters of the months of the year, so the next letters would be, S, O, and N
The spectral class letters in astronomy represent the temperature and color of stars. The sequence starts with O (hottest and bluest stars) and ends with M (coolest and reddest stars). The spectral class letters are O, B, A, F, G, K, and M.
* A to F is 5 letters up from start of alphabet * Z to U is 5 letters down from end of alphabet * G to L is 5 letters up from start of alphabet * T to O is 5 letters down from end of alphabet
ettffssent...... (these are the first letters of the English words for the numbers. One, Two...)