Well, honey, it really depends on the area and the paper route. On average, a paperboy can make anywhere from $30 to $100 a week. But let's be real, it's not exactly a get-rich-quick scheme.
Street dancers pay an average of $228 059$ dollars a week!
Nigahiga Makes 1k per week.
Average starting salary for a company dancer in the US is somewhere around $350/week for a 28-36 week contract. The big top level companies like ABT and NYCB of course have much higher starting salaries (700-900/week) but the average dancer makes much less and almost never has a 52 week contract.
Harry Houdini made about $90 a week. =)
As of the latest Equity agreements, actors under a LORT B contract make $750/week.
approx 1,000 a week
About $500 a week on average.
around £10 depends how long u do it for
5 million a week
The average is $41, 600 per year. They are also not paid by the week but by the month.
The average surgeon makes $240,464 a year.
A Lot ! what I mean , It differ according where they are?
You need to specify average amount of hours worked per week.
The average police officer makes around 578 dollars a week. This does not include overtime which is usually offered in this position.
about £25 a week
A probation officers average income is 45,000$ a year
How much do registered nurses make a week?