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Q: What ballet position requires the dance to stand on one leg and have the other leg extended behind them at a right degree angle?
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Related questions

How is balance used in ballet?

its mostly used for arabesques, you have to have balance becuase your standing on one leg with your other leg extended behind you. it is also used for pirouettes and turns.

What is the story line behind the Royal Ballet?

The Royal Ballet Live is a collaboration among the Guardian, the Royal Ballet, and the website Youtube. It involves live behind the scenes videos, an inside view of choreographers, and an exclusive look at the dancers involved.

What language does ballet originate?

French. That is why derriere is putting your foot behind because in French it means behind...!!

What is the story behind the two ballet dancers by Edgar Degas?

Degas painted a lot of ballet dancers, because he liked to study the human body in action.

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The patagium extended behind the tail and legs of a bat.

What is the difference between lyrical and ballet dancing?

Lyrical is more of a fast paced, more leaps, and has lyrics to the song. Classical ballet has more of a story behind it. it has more gracefulness.

What is a Hurkey jump?

A "hurkey" is a jump where one extended leg goes in front of you and one extended leg goes behind you.

What is arabesque in gymnastics?

You have to keep your front leg straight and lift your back leg a few inches off the beam.

99 where is the camshaft position sensor bank one?

It is behind the power steering pump on the passengers side of the engine. It requires removing the power steering pump and there is a little bolt and it pops out.

What has the author Leslie E Spatt written?

Leslie E. Spatt has written: 'The Sleeping Beauty' 'Behind the scenes at the ballet' -- subject(s): Ballet dancing, Sleeping beauty (Choreographic work)

What position does the person serve from?

Well, in your case, from behind. As for you, you have to assume the position.

What does coupe mean in form of ballet?

It is when your foot is turned out in back right behind your ankle and only your heel touches.