To tarry means to wait, to stay. In Shakespeare's day, they did not usually use the auxiliary verb "to do" when expressing negatives. They used the word "not" placed after the verb. So you got things like "to have and have not" or "Do, or do not. There is no try." (Yes, that's Yoda, not Shakespeare, but it's the same language) So "tarry not" means do not tarry, don't wait or stay. In other words, get a move on.
Taking out the word riddles makes this What is life if life isn't life but a life is a life yet life doesn't make sense like life should? This riddle makes no sense- a riddle is a riddle. a riddle is not, not a riddle because a riddle is a riddle. This riddle acts as if riddles are different than riddle (no s). To answer the riddle I would answer: Riddles are riddle.
A quaint riddle is where the answer is in the riddle. There are many of riddles like this. A riddle that the answer is right in front of you is called is collection riddle. There are many of riddles that are like that.
An answer to a riddle.
The following Wednesday but that's not how the riddle goes. A cowboy rides into town on Thursday, stays five days and leaves on Friday. How is this possible? His horse's name is Friday.
Tarry town
The answer to the riddle in the book "Ghost Town at Sundown" is a coffin.
Tarrytown got its name from "the goodhouse wives of the adjacent country."
tarry town, new york 9-12-78
did tarry fox have a pet
For a Breath I Tarry was created in 1966.
Chris Tarry was born in 1970.
Tarry Flynn was created in 1948.
Gaston Tarry died in 1913.
The library, it has many stories..XD
The youngest rioter is buying poison to kill the other two.
Gaston Tarry was born on September 27, 1843.