Lateral flexion usually refers to the spine, or vertebral column. You can laterally flex your head, neck, or your torso (back).
=answer= Lateral direction is away from the midline of the body (an imaginary line from the middle of your node to your belly button). Flexion is the opposite to extension where the angle between anterior surfaces is decreased (as you being then closer together by 'bending') - except for the knee where the opposite is true. Lateral flexion is therefore a combination of there two movements.
definition of arms in lateral position in dance terms
Ventral-lateral is a medical term that refers to the geniculate nucleus, which is a thalamus nucleus. The term means affecting or pertaining to the front and side.
Arms laterally means that the arms are out to the side away from the body.
both are at one side ; either right or left ; shoulder, chest or waist level ..
Arms laterally means that the arms are out to the side, away from the body. This is important in dance because sometimes the arms need to be in certain positions.
Flexion, abduction, and lateral rotation at the hip, and flexion and medial rotation at the knee.
trunk flexion lateral trunk flexion
it works your abs
Lateral flexion of the trunk involves moving the shoulders left or right towards the hips, therefore it is exercised in the frontal or coronal plane of motion.
list movements for trunk flexion
No. By definition, the lateral faces of a pyramid are triangular.No. By definition, the lateral faces of a pyramid are triangular.No. By definition, the lateral faces of a pyramid are triangular.No. By definition, the lateral faces of a pyramid are triangular.
Forward bending or flexion, backward bending or extension. Side to side bending or lateral flexion and rotation.
The two lateral ankle muscles that create plantar flexion and eversion of the foot are the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis.
Flexion (noun) = the action of bending or the condition of being bent, especially the bending of a limb or joint. "flexion of the fingers"
What spinal curvature will result when you throw your torso into lateral flexion?
flexion and lateral rotation of the neck
some lateral flexion and rotation