All types of people. That's why his plays are so interesting. There are good people and bad, powerful people and weak, holy people and profane, law-abiding people and crooked, noble people and low-class, old people and young, English people and people who are not English, real historical people, fictitious people and fantasy people, sometimes in the same play.
Yes, there are many people.
comedians make people laugh by telling people `joke's` that are funny and then people obviously laugh . :)
nosey people.
Those people are deeply harmed by that smoke. So avoid places where people are smoking.
People would wear very expensive clothes because it was not cheap for a travel on the titanic.
in wiered places.
no she is just famous and famous people acts wiered. and she is probaly is wired i don't know
he was considered an unusual man because he was smart and did wiered things like no other people could do
that's a wiered question
WIeREd QUeSTioN LoLz j/K jeAlOuSy iS iN ALl rElAtiOnSHiPS.
yes she is smocking hot and also wiered mostly hot
wiered helmets, body padding, and leg padding.
Moggy or Moggie, British informal: a non-pedigree domestic cat Plural: Moggies
They had a wiered stle.ierd hair,funny clothes.nothing like our fashion today LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LMFAO
how dose a butterfly taste something? they have little hairs on their legs that taste things! this is true, no matter how wiered. think of how odd that would be!
I am trying to sign in, however, you site want allow me, it takes me for an orbit into outter space. Very wiered site!