People burp because of air that needs to come out. Usually after eating, you burp because when you eat food, you might eat air so the air comes out.
All types of people. That's why his plays are so interesting. There are good people and bad, powerful people and weak, holy people and profane, law-abiding people and crooked, noble people and low-class, old people and young, English people and people who are not English, real historical people, fictitious people and fantasy people, sometimes in the same play.
Yes, there are many people.
comedians make people laugh by telling people `joke's` that are funny and then people obviously laugh . :)
nosey people.
Those people are deeply harmed by that smoke. So avoid places where people are smoking.
blurb, disturb
Yes but rarely
The slang term "burb" or "burbs" is used to mean "suburbs" (outlying neighborhoods of a metropolitan area, suburban locations being between urban and rural). The similar word is "blurb" meaning a short excerpt or outtake of a larger media presentation, normally used for promotional purposes.
Yes, they can...but only if you give them coffee in the mornings.
it first broadcast in 2002
14,258,642, make that 14,258,643 (burb).
Never heard the term used. Do you mean a "burp" gun?
People burp because of air that needs to come out. Usually after eating, you burp because when you eat food, you might eat air so the air comes out.
Someone burbling a lot can be from a few things. You can have a cases of acid reflex.
village, slub, outpost, hinterland, hamlet, country, fringe, countryside, burb
The say "gochisousamadeshita". Thanking for the food. They do NOT burb. Men usually pick their teeth and make a lot noise doing it. There is not a lot of dessert consumption as there is after western meals. Fruit is common as dessert.