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Yes, it is theoretically possible for objects to exist in 4D dimensions, although it is difficult for humans to visualize or perceive them in our 3D world.

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Q: Is it possible for objects to exist in 4D dimensions?
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What is a 4D object?

A 4D object refers to an object with four dimensions, typically represented mathematically using four coordinates. In physics, time is often considered the fourth dimension alongside the three spatial dimensions. Visualizing or understanding 4D objects can be challenging because we are limited to perceiving three spatial dimensions.

Is 4D real and how does it differ from other dimensions?

Yes, 4D is a real concept in mathematics and physics. It differs from other dimensions, such as the familiar 3D space we live in, by adding an additional dimension of time. This means that in 4D, objects can be described not only in terms of their three spatial dimensions (length, width, height) but also in terms of their position in time.

Can 4D objects exist in your 3D world?

We don't actually know how many dimensions there really are. Certain theoretical considerations imply that there are at least 10 or 11, it's just that most of them are "curled up small" and we don't notice them. That said, a 4D object cannot fully exist in a 3D space. However, a 3 dimensional "slice" of them can exist in that space, just like a 2D "slice" of a 3D object can exist in a 2D space.

What do you mean by 4D. What is the difference between 3D and 4D?

4D refers to a four-dimensional space-time, incorporating the three dimensions of physical space along with the dimension of time. In comparison, 3D refers to three dimensions of physical space without time. The addition of the time dimension in 4D allows for a more comprehensive understanding of movements and changes in a system.

Is 4-d a black hole?

No, 4D is not a black hole. 4D refers to objects or spaces that exist in four dimensions (length, width, height, and time) rather than the usual three dimensions we experience in everyday life. Black holes are objects in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from them.

Is the new movie spy kids in 4d?

4D is a process that does not yet exist, are you dealing with Time Travel or something?

Is there Apple MacBook Pro in 3d?

All Apple MacBooks Pros are 3D objects which also exist within a 4D spacetime continuum. No MacBook Pros have a 3D screen.

What is difference between 4D and 5D?

Different dimensions. See link below for a very good answer.

Does 4D exist OR is 3D the limit of Dimensions?

Mathematically, you can have as many dimensions as you want. Our "real world" seems to have only 3 dimensions. While there are speculations that other universes - or parts of our Universe - may have more or less dimensions, for now, these are just speculations. According to string theory, our Universe actually has 10 or 11 dimensions, but only 3 of those appear on a large scale - the others will only have an effect on very, very tiny scales.

What is 5d movies?

REALLY? even 4D movie$ dont exist BEACAUSE WE LIVE IN A 3 DIMENSIONAL WORLD so what makes you think there is a 5D movie when there isnt even a 4D movie they dont exist DUH

What is the difference between 3D and 4d orbitals?

The main difference is the number of dimensions each orbital occupies. 3D orbitals are three-dimensional shapes that describe the probability of finding an electron in a particular region of space within an atom. 4D orbitals do not exist in our three-dimensional world; the concept of a fourth dimension is beyond our current understanding of physics and quantum mechanics.

When was 4d made?

4d as in four dimensions have never actually been made. It is always present. Have always been present. Will always be present. Three dimensions we consider on a day to day basis is length, width and debth. Knowing these variables makes it possible to calculate positions in space. By adding a fourth dimension (time) we can calculate motion in space. As motion has always been present and will always be present, we can not say that somebody has invented or made this.