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A function is considered linear if it follows the rule of proportionality, meaning that the relationship between the input and output values is constant and can be represented by a straight line on a graph.

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Q: What criteria must be met in order for a function to be considered linear?
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What criteria must be met in order for a territory to be considered a state?

For a territory to be considered a state, it must have defined borders, a permanent population, a government, and the ability to enter into relations with other states.

What criteria must be met in order for a deductive argument to be considered valid?

A deductive argument is considered valid when the conclusion logically follows from the premises. This means that if the premises are true, the conclusion must also be true.

What criteria did Socrates use to filter information and determine its validity, as outlined in his concept of the "Three Sieves"?

Socrates used the "Three Sieves" to filter information and determine its validity. These sieves were truth, goodness, and usefulness. He believed that information should be true, good, and useful in order to be considered valid. If the information did not meet these criteria, Socrates would discard it as unreliable or unimportant.

What criteria must be met in order for a belief system to be classified as a religion?

A belief system must typically involve faith in a higher power or spiritual force, a set of rituals or practices, a moral code or ethical guidelines, and a sense of community or shared identity in order to be classified as a religion.

Did Aristotle teach that people should find their function?

Yes, Aristotle believed that individuals should identify their unique function or purpose in life in order to achieve happiness and fulfillment. He argued that each person has a specific role or function that they are meant to fulfill in society, and by striving to fulfill this function, individuals can reach eudaimonia, or flourishing.

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The major criteria must a product or process meet in order to be considered emerging technology is its pureness and usefulness.

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The major criteria must a product or process meet in order to be considered emerging technology is its pureness and usefulness.

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When determining the order of authors in a second author publication, criteria such as the level of contribution to the research, expertise in the subject matter, and overall impact on the study should be considered.

What is the function of If function in computer?

"IF" function is used in Microsoft (MS) Excel. It is checking results in order to make a proper decision.The "IF" function is considered a logic function by Excel. It begins with "=IF" and then has three arguments inside parentheses. The arguments are separated from each other through the use of a comma. Here is a breakdown of the components of the "IF" functionCalling the IF function: =IFArgument one: Test/CriteriaArgument two: Perform action if Criteria is found to be trueArgument three: Perform action if Criteria is found to be falseSee the related question below.

How can you tell if a graph is a linear function?

The word linear means in a straight line. If the graph is a line, it is linear. Also, linear equations are of the first order; they contain a variable but not a square (or higher power) of a variable. If the equation contains x2 it is not linear.

What are the 3 criteria?

The three criteria refer to the selection criteria, which are the qualifications and requirements an individual must meet in order to be considered for a specific position or opportunity. These criteria help in evaluating candidates and determining their suitability for the role or task at hand.

When you set up your order management function what is the purpose of automatch criteria?

Increased matching accuracy and increased number of matches

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what criteria must an individual meet in order to be considered an authorized recipient

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i clearly dont know the answer if im asking the question

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In order for an accounting system to be considered effective it must meet 3 criteria. It must provide accurate information, have useful information, and be presented in a timely manner.

When setting up your order management function what is the purpose of setting up automatch criteria?

Increased matching accuracy and increased number of matches