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The frequency of a wave is the speed of light divided by the wavelength. (ν=c/λ) Because the speed of light is most commonly given in meters per second, it helps to convert 4.92 cm to meters. Thanks to the metric system, this is really easy! There are 100 cm in every meter, so 4.92 cm = .0492 meters.
3.00*10^8 m/s (the speed of light) / .0492 meters
Using this equation, the frequency is 6097560976 Hz.
The energy (E) of a wave is Plank's constant (h) multiplied by the frequency (ν).
Plank's constant = 6.63*10^-34 J*s (Joules times seconds)
E = 6.63*10^-34 Js * 6097560976 Hz
E = 4.04*10^-24 Joules

Frequency is 6,097,560,976 Hz
Energy is 4.04*10^-24 Joules.

This wave has a relatively low frequency (in the realm of microwaves and radio waves) and a relatively low energy level as well, but a relatively large wavelength.

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The energy of the electromagnetic radiation can be calculated using the equation E = hc/λ, where h is Planck's constant (6.63 x 10^-34 J·s), c is the speed of light (3.00 x 10^8 m/s), and λ is the wavelength (4.92 cm = 0.0492 m). Substituting these values into the equation gives E = (6.63 x 10^-34 J·s * 3.00 x 10^8 m/s) / 0.0492 m = 4.03 x 10^-22 J. The frequency of the radiation can be calculated using the equation f = c/λ, where f is the frequency. Substituting the values gives f = 3.00 x 10^8 m/s / 0.0492 m = 6.10 x 10^9 Hz.

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Q: Calculate the energy and frequency of an electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 4.92 cm?
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How does the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation change as its frequency decreases?

As the frequency of electromagnetic radiation decreases, its wavelength increases. This is because wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional in electromagnetic waves, as defined by the equation speed = frequency x wavelength. A lower frequency corresponds to a longer wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.

When describing electromagnetic radiation there is a(n) relationship between wavelength and frequency and the greater the frequency the energy the electromagnetic radiation has. A) direct less B) dire?

The relationship between wavelength and frequency in electromagnetic radiation is inverse - shorter wavelengths correspond to higher frequencies. Higher frequency radiation carries more energy, as energy is directly proportional to frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum.

What determines the difference between types of electromagnetic radiation?

The difference between types of electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, visible light, or X-rays, is determined by their frequency and wavelength. Electromagnetic radiation with higher frequency and shorter wavelength has more energy and is more harmful to biological tissues. The electromagnetic spectrum encompasses all these types of radiation.

What characteristic of an electromagnetic wave is associated with the energy of that radiation?

The frequency of an electromagnetic wave is directly proportional to the energy of the radiation. Higher frequency waves have higher energy levels.

Does gamma rays have a low frequency and a short wavelength?

No, gamma rays have a high frequency and a short wavelength compared to other forms of electromagnetic radiation, such as visible light. They are the most energetic and penetrating type of electromagnetic radiation.

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How does the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation change as its frequency decreases?

As the frequency of electromagnetic radiation decreases, its wavelength increases. This is because wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional in electromagnetic waves, as defined by the equation speed = frequency x wavelength. A lower frequency corresponds to a longer wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.

When describing electromagnetic radiation there is a(n) relationship between wavelength and frequency and the greater the frequency the energy the electromagnetic radiation has. A) direct less B) dire?

The relationship between wavelength and frequency in electromagnetic radiation is inverse - shorter wavelengths correspond to higher frequencies. Higher frequency radiation carries more energy, as energy is directly proportional to frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum.

How are wavelenghth and frequency of electromagnetic radiation related?

For any wave, (wavelength) times (frequency) = (speed of propagation).For electromagnetic waves, (wavelength) times (frequency) = (speed of 'light')

If you know the vacuum wavelength of any form of electromagnetic radiation you can determine its frequency because?

the speed of light in a vacuum is constant (c = 3.00 x 10^8 m/s). By using the formula c = λ*f (where c is the speed of light, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency), you can calculate the frequency when you know the vacuum wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation.

What determines the difference between types of electromagnetic radiation?

The difference between types of electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, visible light, or X-rays, is determined by their frequency and wavelength. Electromagnetic radiation with higher frequency and shorter wavelength has more energy and is more harmful to biological tissues. The electromagnetic spectrum encompasses all these types of radiation.

What characteristic of an electromagnetic wave is associated with the energy of that radiation?

The frequency of an electromagnetic wave is directly proportional to the energy of the radiation. Higher frequency waves have higher energy levels.

How do you Calculate the frequency of 337.1 wavelength of nitrogen laser wave lengths of electromagnetic radiation?

To calculate the frequency of electromagnetic radiation, you can use the formula: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. Given the wavelength of 337.1 nm, first convert it to meters (337.1 nm = 337.1 x 10^-9 meters) and then plug it into the formula along with the speed of light (3.00 x 10^8 m/s) to calculate the frequency in hertz.

Does gamma rays have a low frequency and a short wavelength?

No, gamma rays have a high frequency and a short wavelength compared to other forms of electromagnetic radiation, such as visible light. They are the most energetic and penetrating type of electromagnetic radiation.

What wavelength signal has a frequency of 0.6 Ghz?

A 0.6 GHz frequency corresponds to a wavelength of approximately 0.5 meters. This wavelength falls within the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

A wave of electromagnetic radiation has more energy if it?

has a higher frequency. Energy is directly proportional to frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Because c the speed of electromagnetic radiation is a constant the wavelength of the radiation is....?

... inversely proportional to its frequency. This means that as the frequency of radiation increases, its wavelength decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is expressed by the equation λ = c / f, where λ is the wavelength, c is the speed of light, and f is the frequency of the radiation.

What determines the radiation that an electromagnetic wave emits?

The amount of radiation emitted by an electromagnetic wave is determined by its frequency and amplitude. Higher frequency waves tend to emit more radiation than lower frequency waves, and waves with greater amplitude also emit more radiation. Additionally, the properties of the medium through which the wave is traveling can influence the amount of radiation emitted.