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Yes. That's the entire basis of convection. A balloon full of hot air floats in cold air.

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โˆ™ 4mo ago

Yes, Archimedes' principle can be applied to gases. It states that an object immersed in a fluid will experience an upward buoyant force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. This principle applies to all fluids, including gases, where the buoyant force depends on the volume of the gas displaced.

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What did Archimedes have to do with matter?

Archimedes made significant contributions to the understanding of the behavior of matter. He developed the principle of buoyancy, known as Archimedes' principle, which explains why objects float or sink in a fluid. He also worked on the concept of density and developed methods to determine the volume of irregularly shaped objects.

Who discovered water resistance?

Archimedes, a Greek mathematician, scientist, and inventor, is credited with discovering the concept of water resistance. He first observed this principle when attempting to solve the problem of measuring the purity of a gold crown by immersing it in water. This led to his famous principle of buoyancy, also known as Archimedes' principle.

Who found upthrust?

Upthrust, also known as buoyant force, was first discovered by the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes. He observed that an object placed in a fluid experiences an upward force that is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. This principle is now known as Archimedes' principle.

Why the Archimedes' principle is not valid in case of an elevator accelerating upwards but it is valid for a car accelerating on a level road?

In the case of the elevator accelerating upwards, the entire elevator, including the fluid inside it, is accelerating upwards. This means the buoyant force acting on the fluid is also accelerating upwards, leading to inaccuracies in applying Archimedes' principle. However, in the case of a car accelerating on a level road, the acceleration is not affecting the surrounding fluid, so Archimedes' principle holds true.

Greek scientist who discovered the principal of the lever and invented the double pulley and a catapult?

Archimedes, an ancient Greek scientist, is credited with discovering the principle of the lever and inventing the double pulley and a type of catapult known as the โ€œscorpion.โ€ His contributions to mathematics and engineering greatly influenced scientific development during his time.

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Is the Archimedes Principle a theory or a law?

It was a law not the theory because this principle has also proved by him.

Who discovered the principal of bouyancy?

The person who discovered the principle of buoyancy was Archimedes. In addition to being a physicist and mathematician, Archimedes was also an inventor, an astronomer, and an engineer.

What are the names of Bhutan's principle leaders?

In schools, the heads are Principals. If you are interested in principle: bhutanese students also read Archimedes principle , principle of thermodynamics, etc same as in other parts of the world.

What did Archimedes have to do with matter?

Archimedes made significant contributions to the understanding of the behavior of matter. He developed the principle of buoyancy, known as Archimedes' principle, which explains why objects float or sink in a fluid. He also worked on the concept of density and developed methods to determine the volume of irregularly shaped objects.

What was Archimedes life famous for?

He was an inventor and physicist. He discovered the principle of buoyancy and invented the Archimedes Screw to draw water from a lowers level. He also explained the principles behind levers.

Who discovered water resistance?

Archimedes, a Greek mathematician, scientist, and inventor, is credited with discovering the concept of water resistance. He first observed this principle when attempting to solve the problem of measuring the purity of a gold crown by immersing it in water. This led to his famous principle of buoyancy, also known as Archimedes' principle.

Who found upthrust?

Upthrust, also known as buoyant force, was first discovered by the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes. He observed that an object placed in a fluid experiences an upward force that is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. This principle is now known as Archimedes' principle.

Why the Archimedes' principle is not valid in case of an elevator accelerating upwards but it is valid for a car accelerating on a level road?

In the case of the elevator accelerating upwards, the entire elevator, including the fluid inside it, is accelerating upwards. This means the buoyant force acting on the fluid is also accelerating upwards, leading to inaccuracies in applying Archimedes' principle. However, in the case of a car accelerating on a level road, the acceleration is not affecting the surrounding fluid, so Archimedes' principle holds true.

Why is Archimedes' principle important?

Archimedes' principle is important because it explains how objects float or sink in fluids. It helps in determining the buoyant force acting on objects submerged in a fluid, which is crucial in designing ships, submarines, and other floating structures. The principle also has applications in a wide range of fields, including engineering, physics, and biology.

Why was Archimedes so great?

He created what was known as "Archimedes Principle" which defines how an object either floats or sinks. If the displaced water of an object is heavier then the object, it floats, and vice versa. He also invented many of the six simple machines which are a great use today in our lives.

Greek scientist who discovered the principal of the lever and invented the double pulley and a catapult?

Archimedes, an ancient Greek scientist, is credited with discovering the principle of the lever and inventing the double pulley and a type of catapult known as the โ€œscorpion.โ€ His contributions to mathematics and engineering greatly influenced scientific development during his time.

State pascal's principle in your own words?

Pascal's principle states that when pressure is applied to an enclosed fluid, it is transmitted undiminished to every part of the fluid. That pressure is also transferred to the walls of the container.