

Does a bouncy ball have volume or mass?

Updated: 5/25/2024
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13y ago

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yes, a bouncy ball has volume and mass.

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1mo ago

Yes, a bouncy ball has both volume and mass. Volume refers to the amount of space the ball occupies, while mass refers to the amount of matter contained within the ball.

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How much mass is in a bouncy ball?

The mass of a bouncy ball can vary depending on its size and material. On average, a small rubber bouncy ball typically has a mass of around 5-10 grams.

What is the mass of a bouncy ball?

The mass of a bouncy ball can vary depending on its size and material. Typically, a small bouncy ball might have a mass in the range of 20 to 50 grams.

Is a bouncy ball a solid?

Yes, a bouncy ball is a solid object. It is made of materials such as rubber or plastic that have a definite shape and volume.

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When was Bouncy ball created?

Bouncy ball was created in 1965.

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A bouncy ball is a small ball that is made soley of rubber and bounces. There are only 7 Bouncy Ball Breeds Reconized by the BBA (Bouncy Ball Association) Jet Ball is a video game.

What is the terminal velocity of a bouncy ball?

The terminal velocity of a bouncy ball depends on its size, weight, shape, and the air resistance it encounters during its fall. Generally, the terminal velocity of a bouncy ball is low compared to heavier objects due to its low mass and streamlined shape.

Is a super ball a bouncy ball?

yes bouncy means super

Who invented the first bouncy ball?

a guy who invented the bouncy ball...

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A bouncy ball.

How do you calculate mass of a ball?

To calculate the mass of a ball, you would typically use the density of the material the ball is made of and its volume. The formula to calculate mass is mass = density x volume. You would need to know the density of the material and measure the volume of the ball to determine its mass.

Who invented the super bouncy ball?

Norman Stingley invented the bouncy ball in 1964