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Exergy! Today's science calls this energy, this is wrong it is Exergy NOT Energy. This is a fundamental point of science and math. This is the difference between good math and bad math, Hamilton's Vectors and the vectors used in today's science. Bad math makes bad science.

The proper analysis which the math provided is "if you drop a ball under gravity , you get energy out or exergy. If you lift a ball under gravity you put energy in." This should be obvious to a child, but it is not the rule for physicists even today.

There is a history behind this wrong view. Maxwell and the scientists wanted to call this energy, which is work-in or energy, however Hamilton's vectors which Maxwell was using called it work-out or exergy. The physicists had defined it as work-in or energy and wanted it to be positive. The Physicists prevailed and J Willard Gibbs and Oliver Heaviside invented a new vector math called Vector Analysis, where the rule is I^2= +1. This rule is in use today and hampers math and physics. It is mathematically and physically defective.

Vector Analysis is mathematically non-associative meaning A(BC) does not equal (AB)C. Hamilton's vectors are associative and A(BC)= (AB)C!

It is inconceivable that physics uses defective math but it does. You cannot have good physics with bad math.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

The force times the distance traveled in the direction of that force is referred to as work. This is calculated by the formula W = F * d, where W is work, F is force, and d is distance. Work is measured in joules (J).

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Q: Force times the distance traveled in the direction of that force is referred to as what?
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Force times the distance traveled in the direction of that force is referred to as?

Force applied times the distance traveled is work or energy. Think about it...You apply a force to an object, say: push a crate, and you move it a distance. What has been done?? Work. Work is equivalent to energy and is measured in Newton-meters (Nm) or Joules (J).

What determines the amount of work done on an object?

The amount of work done on an object is determined by the force applied to the object and the distance over which the force is applied in the direction of the force. The work done is calculated by multiplying the force by the distance traveled in the direction of the force.

What is the product of and an objects displacement?

C. force

What mechanisms most likely to be used to multiply the speed and distance traveled of the load moved in relations to force?

To increase speed and distance traveled of a load in relation to force, mechanisms such as using gears, pulleys, or inclined planes can be employed. Gears can increase speed by transferring force between different sized gears, while pulleys can increase distance traveled by changing the direction of the force applied. Inclined planes reduce the force required to move a load over a longer distance.

Is there any difference in the work done as you change the force or the distance traveled?

Work is basically the product of force and distance traveled, so if any of the two (force, distance) change, the work will change as well.

What is force times distance traveled?


How work force and distance related?

Work = force x distance traveled (only when the force and distance are acting in the same direction)

What would a hockey puck do if you apply more force?

If you apply more force to a hockey puck, it will accelerate and move faster in the direction of that force. The puck's speed and distance traveled will increase, depending on the amount of force applied.

How much work is used to push a 35N in 3 seconds?

The work done to push a 35N object over a distance depends on the distance traveled. Without knowing the distance, it is not possible to calculate the work done. Work is calculated as the force applied multiplied by the distance moved in the direction of the force.

What happens to the distance if a machine increases the size of the force?

If a machine increases the size of the force applied, the distance moved by the object will also increase, provided that the work done remains constant. This is in line with the work-energy principle, which states that work done is equal to the force applied multiplied by the distance traveled in the direction of the force.

What two things do you need to be able to know to measure work?

To measure work, you need to know the force applied and the distance over which the force is applied. Work is calculated by multiplying the force applied by the distance traveled in the direction of the force.

What is the formula for determining force and work and power?

Force is defined as the product of mass and acceleration (F=ma). Work is calculated as force multiplied by distance traveled in the direction of the force (W=Fd). Power is the rate at which work is done, calculated as the work done divided by the time taken to do it (P=W/t).