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To calculate the new conductance, simply multiply the initial conductance by the change in area: 100 S * 23 = 2300 S. Since the length of the wire is reduced by the same amount as the area is increased, the overall conductance remains the same.

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Q: How do i calculate the new conductance of a wire if the conductance of the wire is 100 S and the area of the wire is increased by 23 and the length is reduced by the same amount?
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Which would you expect to have the greatest amount of friction?

I would expect a rough surface to have the greatest amount of friction due to the increased contact points between the surfaces, resulting in a higher resistance to motion. Smooth surfaces typically have less friction due to reduced contact points.

What types of surfaces produce the greatest amount of friction?

Rough surfaces typically produce the greatest amount of friction because there are more contact points between the surfaces, leading to increased resistance to motion.Smooth surfaces, on the other hand, tend to have less friction due to reduced contact points and smoother interactions between surfaces.

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The amount of radiation emitted by a hot body is directly proportional to the fourth power of its temperature (Stefan-Boltzmann law). Therefore, if the temperature of a hot body is increased by 50 units, the amount of radiation emitted will increase by a factor of (1+50/old temp)^4.

How can this be used to calculate the amount of a radioactive element compared to its original amount?

To calculate the amount of a radioactive element compared to its original amount, you need to use the radioactive decay equation: A = A₀ * e^(-λt), where A is the final amount, A₀ is the initial amount, λ is the decay constant, and t is the time elapsed. By plugging in the values for A₀, t, and λ, you can determine the final amount of the radioactive element.

Which equation is used to calculate the amount of electrical energy used?

The equation used to calculate the amount of electrical energy used is: Energy (in kilowatt-hours) = Power (in kilowatts) x Time (in hours).

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