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An object in motion will stay in motion until acted on by another opposing force. So gravity causes a bullet to fall back to the ground, but wind and air resistance cause the bullet to not fall strait back from where it came, aka one barrel. ____________ The above is true, only if Newtons theories are correct. If Newtons Theories are incorrect, then the bullet performs in the manner The Creator of all things and happensings decreed that it will. [see discussion on this comment]

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The bullet is acted upon by gravity, which causes it to change its trajectory and fall back down to the ground. The force of gravity is constantly pulling the bullet downward, counteracting its initial upward velocity.

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Q: If an object in motion will stay in motion what causes a bullet shot into the air to fall?
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If an object in motion will stay in motion what causes a bullet shot into fall?

its the laws of motion. once a thing like the bullet has lost its force, it will stop moving and slowly go down its the laws of motion. once a thing like the bullet has lost its force, it will stop moving and slowly go down

What force causes an object to fall once it is released?

Gravity causes an object to fall to Earth.

What causes object to fall?

gravity causes objects to fall

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Gravity causes an object to fall from a height. Without gravity, the object would just be floating in the air.

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An object dropped from plane doesn't falls straight down?

When an object is dropped from a plane, it doesn't fall straight down due to the forward motion of the plane. The object inherits this forward velocity, resulting in a curved path known as projectile motion due to the influence of gravity and air resistance. This causes the object to fall at an angle rather than directly below the plane.

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Is a free fall a vertical component of motion?

Yes, free fall refers to the motion of an object falling solely under the influence of gravity, without any other forces acting upon it. The vertical component of motion in a free fall is the object's downward movement due to gravity.

Can a simple pendulum oscillate during free fall motion?

No, a simple pendulum cannot oscillate during free fall motion because in free fall, the object is accelerating due to gravity and there is no restoring force acting on the object to cause oscillations.

Does an object fall at the same rate going horizontally as one going vertically?

Yes, in the absence of air resistance, objects fall at the same rate regardless of their horizontal velocity. This is due to the fact that the force of gravity only affects the vertical motion of the object. This principle is known as the equivalence principle.

What type of motion is a free fall?

Free fall is a type of motion where an object falls under the influence of gravity with no other forces acting upon it. During free fall, the object accelerates downwards at a constant rate of 9.8 m/s^2 on Earth.

How does gravity make things fall?

The weight of the object causes gravity to take the object falling