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40 watts/sq ft for 1700 sq ft = 68,000 watts or 68 kw. If you are going to keep this on 24/7, then the number of hours is 31 x 24 =744 (I have assumed 31 days in the month), so the usage is simply 68 x 744 = 50592 kwh

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1mo ago

To calculate the total kWh usage for a month for a space of 1700 square feet limited to 40 watts per square foot, you first multiply the area by the wattage limit (1700 sq ft x 40 Watts/sq ft). This gives you the total power input in watts in that space. Then divide this by 1000 to convert watts to kilowatts and multiply by the number of hours in a month (typically 720 hours) to get the total kWh usage.

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Q: If limited to 40 watts per square foot how do you calculate kWh usage for a month for 1700 square feet?
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How do electric companies calculate electric energy used?

Electric companies calculate electric energy usage by multiplying the power consumption (in kilowatts) by the time the power is consumed (in hours). This formula is expressed as kWh (kilowatt-hour) and is how customers are billed for their electricity usage.

How do electric companies calculate electric energy being used?

Electric companies typically calculate electric energy usage by measuring the amount of electricity consumed in kilowatt-hours (kWh). This is done using electric meters that monitor the flow of electricity into a property over a given period of time. The total energy usage is then calculated based on the amount of power consumed and the duration of usage.

What is the relationship between energy usage and developed underdeveloped countries?

Developed countries typically have higher energy usage per capita due to greater industrialization, infrastructure, and higher standards of living. In contrast, underdeveloped countries often have lower energy usage per capita due to limited access to energy sources, lower industrialization, and reliance on traditional energy sources. The development level of a country often correlates with its energy demands and consumption patterns.

How much the light bill cost each month?

The cost of a light bill varies depending on factors such as location, energy usage, and electricity rates. On average, a monthly light bill can range from $50-$200 for a typical household. It's best to check your specific utility bill for an accurate cost.

What is the formula to calculate how much a light bulb uses?

The formula to calculate the energy usage of a light bulb is Power (Watts) x Time (hours) = Energy Used (Watt-hours). For example, a 60-watt light bulb used for 5 hours would consume 300 Watt-hours of energy.

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How can you calculate your elecric bill?

To calculate your bill, you will need to take your usage for the month (in kilowatt hours) and multiply by the energy rate, which is currently 9.17 cents per kilowatt hour. Add this to your monthly customer charge (currently a flat rate of $7.21 for all Alcoa Electric residential customers) to get your total monthly charge.

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