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Yes, because it has quantity and its direction is always opposes the force that an object exerts.okey ba answer ko.hehehe == ==

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No, friction is a scalar quantity as it does not have a direction associated with it. It is the force that resists the relative motion or tendency of motion between two surfaces in contact.

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Q: Is friction a vector
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Is a force of friction a vector or scaler quantity?

Either, or both. Motion can be described in either vector or scalar terms. Speed is a scalar quantity, having only a magnitude. Velocity is a vector quantity, having both magnitude and direction. Acceleration is a vector quantity.

What is the net force of gravity tension friction and air tension?

The net force refers to the vector sum of the individual forces.

How are friction and force alike?

Friction is a force that opposes the relative motion or tendency of such motion of two surfaces in contact. Both friction and force are vector quantities, meaning they have magnitude and direction. They both can cause objects to accelerate or decelerate depending on their direction and magnitude.

Does friction affect speed or velocity?

Friction can affect an object's speed by reducing it over time, as it acts in the opposite direction to the object's motion. However, friction does not directly affect an object's velocity which is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction.

How do you work out the force of an object?

mass of object*acceleration (usually due to gravity-9.8m/s^2)*mu (friction constant for surface) if the object is on a slope, you would multiply the force by the sine of the angle the normal force vector makes with the acceleration vector...

How can you move something further without changing the amount of fource you use?

Reduce friction. Push it down hill. Change the vector (the angle that you shot a gun).

Why a force acting on a body is called a sliding vector?

A force acting on a body is not typically called a "sliding vector." The term "sliding vector" may refer to a force vector that is parallel to a surface, which could cause the body to slide if it overcomes static friction. The force could also be called a frictional force if it opposes the relative motion of the body.

Is friction useful for ships?

Yes and no. In order to go faster, a ship must reduce its air and water friction as much as possible, as friction force acts in the opposite direction as motion, ie slows the object down. However, it is friction that allows the propulsion system to 'push' the ship forward. This deals more with viscosity, which is *like* the friction of a liquid. In sailboats, it is the friction with the air that propels the ship.Because friction is related to the area of contact and the vector of the velocity, it is ideal to have the least amount of surface area facing to the direction of motion, which is why most ships have a Vshape in the front.

Can a vector be represented in terms of unit vector?

Yes, a vector can be represented in terms of a unit vector which is in the same direction as the vector. it will be the unit vector in the direction of the vector times the magnitude of the vector.

How many types of friction is there?

In total there are 4 distinct forces: The electromagnetic force, the weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, and gravitation. Recently, the electromagnetic force and the weak force has been combined into the electroweak force. Physicists are aiming to "unify" the other two forces like this. Answer2: Forces are the first derivative of energy. Energy is a Quaternion quantity having a scalar/Boson S part and a vector/Fermion V part or a Boson part and a Fermion part. The energy is W = S + V = [s,V] The forces is the first derivative Force F = [d/dr,Del] [s,V] = [ds/dr -Del.V, dV/dr + Del s + DelxV] There are Five Forces; 1. The Centripetal scalar force: ds/dr 2. The Centrifugal scalar force: -Del.V 3. The Tangent vector force: dV/dr 4. The Gradient vector force: Del s 5. The Curl vector force: DelxV For example the five forces of Gravity Forces are: W = -mGM/r + cP = -vh'/r + cP where the vector force is the Momentum energy cmV=cP, the "Dark Energy"! F= [d/dr,Del] [-vh'/r, cP] = [vp/r -cDel.P, cdP/dr - Del vh'/r + cDelxP] F = [vp/r - cp/r cos(P), -cp/r 1P + vp/r 1R + cp/r sin(P) 1RxP] 1. centripetal force: vp/r this is the gravitational attraction force. 2. centrifugal force: -cDel.P= -cp/r cos(P) this is the "Cosmos Divergence" force. 3. tangent vector: cdP/dr = cdP/cdt = dP/dt = mdV/dt 4. Gradient vector: Del -mGM/r = mGM R/r3 = mGM/r2 1R = vp/r 1R 5. Curl Vector: cDelxP = cp/r sin(P) 1RxP this is the circulation/Transverse vector. At the Boundary/Stationary 0=F Condition there are only 4 forces, the Curl is zero, 0=DelxV and Newton's Equal and Opposite forces is true.

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90 degrees