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Vt = terminal velocity m = mass of the falling object g = acceleration due to gravity (~9.88ms-2) Cd = drag coefficient (see ρ = density of the fluid through which the object is falling A = projected area of the object Taken from Wikipedia.

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The equation to determine an object's terminal velocity is v_terminal = √(2 * m * g / ρ * A * C_d), where v_terminal is the terminal velocity, m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, ρ is the density of the fluid, A is the cross-sectional area of the object, and C_d is the drag coefficient.

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Q: What equation can determine a specific object's terminal velocity?
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What equation is used to determine the velocity of a wave?

The equation used to determine the velocity of a wave is: velocity = frequency x wavelength. This equation shows that the velocity of a wave is dependent on the frequency of the wave and its wavelength.

What is the terminal velocity for iron?

The terminal velocity for iron depends on its shape, size, and the medium it is falling through. For a small iron object falling through air, the terminal velocity is typically around 20-40 meters per second. However, in a vacuum, the terminal velocity would be much higher and dependent on the specific conditions.

What factors determine terminal velocity?

Terminal velocity is determined by the balance between gravitational force pulling an object downward and air resistance opposing its motion. Factors influencing terminal velocity include the object's weight, its surface area exposed to air resistance, and the density of the medium through which it is falling. Increasing any of these factors can increase terminal velocity.

Which equation is most likely used to determine the acceleration from a velocity vs. time graph?

The acceleration can be determined from a velocity vs. time graph by finding the slope of the line at a specific point. The equation used to calculate acceleration from a velocity vs. time graph is given by a = Δv/Δt, where a is the acceleration, Δv is the change in velocity, and Δt is the change in time.

When gravitational forces and air resistance equalize on an object that is falling toward earth and the object stops accelerating its velocity is called?

In that case, the object is said to have achieved terminal speed.

Related questions

What veritables determine how fast an object will be moving when it reaches terminal velocity?

The surface area is the variable to determine how fast an object will be moving when it reaches terminal velocity.

What equation is used to determine the velocity of a wave?

The equation used to determine the velocity of a wave is: velocity = frequency x wavelength. This equation shows that the velocity of a wave is dependent on the frequency of the wave and its wavelength.

What is the terminal velocity for iron?

The terminal velocity for iron depends on its shape, size, and the medium it is falling through. For a small iron object falling through air, the terminal velocity is typically around 20-40 meters per second. However, in a vacuum, the terminal velocity would be much higher and dependent on the specific conditions.

What factors determine terminal velocity?

Terminal velocity is determined by the balance between gravitational force pulling an object downward and air resistance opposing its motion. Factors influencing terminal velocity include the object's weight, its surface area exposed to air resistance, and the density of the medium through which it is falling. Increasing any of these factors can increase terminal velocity.

What is the maximum terminal velocity on planet Jupiter?

There is no such thing as "maximum terminal velocity", neither on Jupiter nor hear on Earth. The "terminal velocity" depends on the specific object - and on the atmospheric conditions. For example, a very heavy object will typically have a larger terminal velocity than one that is very light; and near Earth's surface, the terminal velocity (for a given object) will be smaller than in the upper atmosphere, where there is less air resistance.

Jet as an application of Bernoulli's equation?

determine the equation for trajectory with ahead of 7.0m and velocity cofficient of .95

When gravitational forces and air resistance equalize on an object that is falling toward earth and the object stops accelerating its velocity is called?

In that case, the object is said to have achieved terminal speed.

Which equation is most likely used to determine the acceleration from a velocity vs. time graph?

The acceleration can be determined from a velocity vs. time graph by finding the slope of the line at a specific point. The equation used to calculate acceleration from a velocity vs. time graph is given by a = Δv/Δt, where a is the acceleration, Δv is the change in velocity, and Δt is the change in time.

What is the equation thast describes how air resistance affects terminal velocity?

The equation that describes how air resistance affects terminal velocity is given by: mg - kv = 0 where m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, k is the air resistance coefficient, v is the velocity of the object, and Terminal velocity is the point at which the drag force (kv) equals the gravitational force (mg), causing the net force to be zero.

What is the equation you use to determine the momentum of a object?

Momentum= Mass X Velocity

How fast do rubber balls go if they fall off a tower?

It depends on the height of the tower and the terminal velocity of the specific rubber ball. Many objects with a specific gravity near 1 have a terminal velocity of about 120 miles per hour.

What is the greatest velocity a fallen object reaches?

If air resistance is significant, after falling for a while the air resistance will be as strong as the force of gravity; the two forces will be in equilibrium, and the object won't accelerate any more. This velocity is called "terminal velocity". The amount of this terminal velocity, and the time it takes to approach the terminal velocity, depends on the specific object that is falling.