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Nothing happened if the frequency was high. It is only if the frequency changed that there would have been any effect.

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If the frequency of a wave is high, its speed and wavelength remain the same but its amplitude may decrease due to energy dispersion. The period of the wave will be short, indicating the time taken for one complete cycle of the wave to occur.

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Q: What happened to the speed wave length amplitude and period if the frequency of the wave is high?
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How does amplitude of a pendulum affect frequency?

The amplitude of a pendulum does not affect its frequency. The frequency of a pendulum depends on the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. The period of a pendulum (which is inversely related to frequency) depends only on these factors, not on the amplitude of the swing.

Does the amplitude affect the period?

No, the amplitude does not affect the period of a waveform. The period is determined by the frequency of the waveform, which is unrelated to its amplitude.

What are the three factors that determine height length and period of a wave?

The three factors that determine the height, length, and period of a wave are the wavelength, amplitude, and frequency. Wavelength is the distance between two corresponding points on a wave, amplitude is the maximum displacement of a wave from its rest position, and frequency is the number of oscillations per unit time.

What effect does frequency have on the amplitude of a wave?

Frequency does not have a direct effect on the amplitude of a wave. The amplitude of a wave is determined by the energy of the wave, while frequency refers to the number of wave cycles in a given period of time. Changing the frequency of a wave will not alter its amplitude.

Would amplitude increase if frequency increased?

No, amplitude is not directly related to frequency. Amplitude refers to the intensity or magnitude of a wave, while frequency refers to the number of times a wave oscillates in a given period. Changing the frequency of a wave will not automatically change its amplitude.

Related questions

How does amplitude of a pendulum affect frequency?

The amplitude of a pendulum does not affect its frequency. The frequency of a pendulum depends on the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. The period of a pendulum (which is inversely related to frequency) depends only on these factors, not on the amplitude of the swing.

Does the amplitude affect the period?

No, the amplitude does not affect the period of a waveform. The period is determined by the frequency of the waveform, which is unrelated to its amplitude.

What are the three factors that determine height length and period of a wave?

The three factors that determine the height, length, and period of a wave are the wavelength, amplitude, and frequency. Wavelength is the distance between two corresponding points on a wave, amplitude is the maximum displacement of a wave from its rest position, and frequency is the number of oscillations per unit time.

What effect does frequency have on the amplitude of a wave?

Frequency does not have a direct effect on the amplitude of a wave. The amplitude of a wave is determined by the energy of the wave, while frequency refers to the number of wave cycles in a given period of time. Changing the frequency of a wave will not alter its amplitude.

Why the amplitude doesn't depend on frequency and time period?

The amplitude of a wave is determined by the energy of the wave, which is not affected by the frequency or time period. The frequency and time period of a wave only determine how many cycles occur in a given time frame, not the strength of each individual cycle. Therefore, the amplitude remains constant regardless of the frequency or time period.

Would amplitude increase if frequency increased?

No, amplitude is not directly related to frequency. Amplitude refers to the intensity or magnitude of a wave, while frequency refers to the number of times a wave oscillates in a given period. Changing the frequency of a wave will not automatically change its amplitude.

The height length and period of a wave comprise the what?

The height, length, and period of a wave together define its amplitude, wavelength, and frequency. These characteristics play a key role in describing the properties and behavior of the wave as it propagates through a medium.

What are the attributes of a sinusoidal waveform?

Amplitude, frequency/period and phase.

How is frequency of a wave different from amplitude of the wave?

Frequency refers to the number of complete oscillations of a wave that occur in a given time period, usually measured in hertz (Hz). Amplitude, on the other hand, represents the maximum displacement of a wave from its equilibrium position. In simpler terms, frequency determines the pitch of a sound or the color of light, while amplitude determines the loudness of a sound or the brightness of light.

Which factor does not help determine the height lengthand period of a wave?

The color of the wave. The height, length, and period of a wave are determined by factors such as frequency, amplitude, and wavelength, but the color of the wave is not related to these characteristics.

What property of sound is related to wavelength?

# time period # frequency # amplitude

How do you gradually increase the period of a cosine graph?

Increase the amplitude and the frequency