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When a packet is corrupted on a bus topology network, the receiving device will detect the corruption using error-checking mechanisms such as CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check). The corrupted packet will be discarded by the receiving device, and the sender will need to retransmit the packet. This process adds latency to the communication but ensures data integrity.

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Q: What happens to packet when corrupted on bus topology?
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Is bus topology faster than star topology?

In terms of speed, bus topology and star topology are comparable since both can offer high data transmission rates. However, bus topology may experience more performance issues such as signal interference and collisions since all devices share the same communication line, potentially affecting overall network speed.

What is the physical topology?

Physical topology refers to the physical layout of devices and cables in a network. It defines how devices are connected to each other and how data flows between them. Common physical topologies include bus, star, ring, mesh, and hybrid.

Why do passengers jumping out of a rapidly moving bus fall forward with his face downwards if he does not run forward?

When the passenger jumps out of a moving bus, they retain the forward momentum they had inside the bus, causing them to fall forward face-down due to inertia. This happens because their body continues to move at the same speed and direction as the bus until acted upon by an external force.

A person jumping off a moving bus tends to fall forward?

This happens because the person retains the forward momentum from the bus when they jump off, causing them to fall forward due to inertia. Additionally, without the support of the bus underneath them, there is no external force to keep them upright.

What does the potential engery of a bus change into for the bus to move?

The potential energy of a bus typically changes into kinetic energy for the bus to move. When the bus starts moving, the stored potential energy is converted into the energy of motion, resulting in the bus's kinetic energy.

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What happens to frame when corrupted on bus topology?

When a frame is corrupted on a bus topology, it never reaches its destination. The bus topology has a method called ACK. ACK for acknowledgment sent on the back of each request. So if the destined computer gets the packet it sends back an acknowledgment signal. Therefore it the first computer sent a corrupted frame if the time-out occurs meaning it did not receive an ACK back then the ARQ(automatic repeat request) is called and the original re-sends its message until it receives its ACK.

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Bus topology is the most popular topology. Justify.

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Bus Topology.

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In bus topology if ends are not conected then what happens?

If the ends of a bus topology network are not terminated then you will get 'signal bounce'. This will cause all packets to collide with each other, and the net effect is that the network is unusable.

How can bus topology extend?

Bus topology is extended via the use of repeaters.

What is the fastest Network Topology?

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Definition for bus topology what are the features of bus topology what are the advantages and disadvantages of bus topology.?

Four collision domains are present Two broadcast domains are present.

The most common logical topologies are the ring and?

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What are the types of hybrid network?

Ring Topology, Mesh Topology, Bus Topology, Star Topology

What are some topologies?

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On which topology are Ethernet and AppleTalk based?

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